
Taming Of The Shrew Character Analysis

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Why do people make others change who they are and the way that they act? Some people may do so for the benefit of themselves, which is something that occurs in Taming of the Shrew. Others may change and not even realize which is also something that commonly happens. Change in a person is only a good thing if it is not forced upon them.
Taming of the Shrew involves a lot of transformation whether it be someone's personality/attitude or someone in a disguise. Katharine’s personality is quickly portrayed in the first act of the play as a mean, disobedient person. Gremio mentions, “To cart her rather. She’s too rough for me” (I.i.55). Katharine is constantly rude and unpleasant to everyone around her. No one ever really wants to be near her. She is the complete opposite of her younger sister, Bianca, whom everyone adores because of her subservience. Even Gremio mentions Kate is too “rough” for him and that is the way Kate has …show more content…

Kate once didn’t think much of husbands or their power until Petruchio came into her life. Within a few days she now believes that no one comes above or is more powerful than a husband because he brainwashed her. Kate cannot say or do anything of her own without the fear of being starved or sleep deprived again by Petruchio. She may no longer act like a ‘shrew’ but the things Petruchio has done are not right whatsoever.
It is wrong for someone to change another person for the benefit of themselves and should never be done. Petruchio did not let Kate sleep or eat as part of his plan to change her. She has now transformed into an entirely new person. Bianca changed as well, though she was not forced to. She learned to stand up for herself and say what she’s really thinking, it’s almost as if her and Kate switched personalities. Kate’s transformation has had nothing but a negative outcome and it is clear that completely changing a person is never

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