COMMUNICATION HISTORY Communication begins with language, the distinctive ability which has made possible the evolution of human society. With language any message, any query no matter how complex, can be conveyed between people to people over a limited distance - within a room or place of assembly, or across a short open space. The history of communication is mankind's search for ways to improve upon shouting. History of communication began with the use of smoke signals and drums in Africa, America and parts of Asia. These systems were used to merely convey the presence of a camp. There are forms of long-distance communication not based on words. The smoke signals used by American Indians are of this kind. The bonfires are lit in succession on hill tops. These systems are only capable of conveying some limited signals such as Danger or Victory. Some non-verbal systems are also used for communication. The whistled language is used to communicate across deep valleys. It is capable for the immediate needs of the people of a particular area, but incapable to convey long messages. Then, the messages to be communicated were carved on stone pillars. They communicate very well across time, down through the centuries, but they are an inefficient method of communicating across space. The message can be only read within a reading range. This system will be more efficient if the message travels. This needs a portable writing material, i.e., a papyrus or paper. The sending of
Code talkers had complex ways to send and receive messages. Coding and decoding however, was a very time consuming process. When recieved a message by radio or telephone, all that could be heard was a fragment of Navajo
Communication enables human beings to interact in a meaningful way. It is hence a vital component of coming up with the meanings of situations so as to derive the intended conclusions.
Communication is part of everyday life between people and can be used in many different ways. People communicate to build relationships with one another, but also to maintain those relationships formed. When a relationship is built through communication, people then can express their needs, wants and feelings to each other, as well as being able to reassure an individual. Communicating allows people to share thoughts, ideas and information to others where
What channel was used to send the message? There was Verbal, texting message, and writing was used to send message.
as an example of there are useful for everyday life to communicate all over the world. With the help of
Communication is the imparting or exchanging of information or news, whether it is orally or written. In 15th century BCE Phoenicia, Phoenicians created their alphabet from the Proto-Canaanite alphabet after straying from their original cuneiform script. The Phoenician alphabet was the first alphabet widely-used as it spread beyond the Mediterranean. Many other languages’ origin can be traced back to this very alphabet. Another example of communication is the postal service installed in 540 BCE by Cyrus of the Persian Empire. At this point in time the Persian Empire stretched 3,000 kilometers east to west and 1,500 kilometers north to south, so Cyrus had to find a way to keep in touch with his large empire. By the time Darius took over the
As communication has evolved from Ancient times of cravings in rocks to pictograph, ideograms and alphabets to 1500 -1800 where printing was invented. Now for the 19th through the 21st Century communications is far more efficient from postage to radio broadcasting to internet which has become an important form of communication.
Humans have been communicating for years with themselves and others but only in the last century has anyone started to
Communication is an ongoing process in which individuals exchange messages whose meanings are influenced by the history of the relationship and the experiences of the participants. (Adler, p.384) Communication depends on relationships between the people who are communicating, and on common basics between them. Problems in communications between people may arise due to differences in cultures, perceptions, values, and expectations from life.
Our basic mean of communication among species and interspecies is thru language. Language enables us to communicate with each other, our thoughts and feelings, ideas and concepts, likes, and dislikes, fears, dreams
Communication is a way of life for sociable organisms on earth. There are many forms of communication and several are used without saying a word or making a sound. With the types of communication in the world, communicating effectively may seem an unlikely idea. Effective communication between two individuals or more is dependable on the way the message from the sender has encoded the information. Effective communication insists that information sent should be received and retransmitted back to the sender without any loss in translation. To understand communication, it must first be broken down so that each
Other than these methods of communication there were other methods used to signal and communicate with in a distance. Our ancestors developed systems for sending simple messages or signals over a distance through drumbeats, fire or smoke signals, lanterns, birds and arrows. Birds carried messages through a long distance. The message was attached to a foot of a Pigeon or a Falcon who flew home with the message. This specific method of communication was used to a great extent during World War I.
Communication is basically, a medium of exchange of thoughts and ideas. In the earlier days, when no particular language was developed, people still used to express their views. Thoughts can be expressed through symbols, signs and paintings. When we go to
Since the beginning of time, people have always been looking for means of communication, but a way to communicate in a fast and easy way. In earlier times, Egyptians carved on rocks, leaving records for the next civilization. The Incans of South America knotted several colored pieces of string in a specific pattern and had a messenger run to the next village to deliver it. Many wrote messages on paper to be delivered by a messenger and some simply sent a messenger to deliver the message orally. Of course, there were many problems with these means of communication. If one just sent a messenger, it was easy for the messenger to lose communication in the traveling process, or one could misplace a written message. And of course these messages
Over time, the discoveries that have been made in relation to communication have been revolutionary in that they have changed the way we live and act dramatically. For example, the writing on walls, pencils, pens, ink, paper, the printing press, telegraph, telephone, television,