Take back your weekend
Exmark is an independent manufacturer of professional turf care equipment that opened in May of 1982. Today, it is the leading manufacturer of commercial mowers for the landscape professional. In addition to designing, building and marketing quality turf care equipment, Exmark's goal is total customer satisfaction. All Exmark mowers, from walk-behinds to zero-turn riders and out-fronts, are designed to help customers increase productivity while delivering unmatched cut quality. Products are sold to distributors and dealers across the country and world. In 2015 Exmark made an advertising and marketing plan, and it was perfect for the company. The campaign was named “Take Back Your Weekend”. From commercials, posters, social media, and even customer
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they announce the launch of its Take Back Your Weekends Video Contest, a unique user-generated “content initiative that will enable the world’s leading commercial-grade mower manufacturer to reach and impact consumers in a unique and meaningful manner” (realtree). Addressing the universal consumer challenges that is a lack of time, Exmark’s Video Contest welcomes interested consumers to create and submit a video depicting how they would take back their weekends if more free time for hobbies and leisure pursuits was available. “Our Take Back Your Weekends Video Contest is a great tool that will allow us to engage our customers and prospects in a real-world scenario, and to truly listen to what matters most to them in their daily lives,” states John Cloutier, Sr. Marketing Manager. With eighteen winners, they will be consuming free advertising. Customers that make a video must share it on their personal social media accounts and it will allow all their family and friends to know how wonderful using Exmark is. Showing that even everyday people can do it
Triple E’s main clients will be local area businesses who require access to marketing and event planning services but have no marketing/planning departments of their own. By focusing on businesses that have these specific needs, Triple E Marketing and Events will be able to provide smaller organizations access to comprehensive and combined event planning and marketing strategies, allowing them to create brand recognition and increased profitability for their businesses.
In her article “Advertisements R Us,” Melissa Rubin notes that Coke’s message in the ad she analyzes is that “Coke will refresh and unite working America” (249). Her evidence for this is based on several things—for instance, right in the middle of ad sits a large Coke machine and the bottom of the ad explicitly states, “A welcome host to workers—Inviting you to the pause that refreshes with ice-cold Coca-Cola” (249). She concludes her article with the insight that “Coke ads helped shape the American identity,” pointing to the underlying message of the ad that Coke can provide the carefree, joyful life it never fails to portray in its ads to everyone who takes a sip (250).
Aldi has had a massive marketing campaign in place since 2014, this campaign is called ‘Like Brands’
However, even though the campaign engaged the conversation about cleaning, it was only on social media, so the campaign was not the actual event. Besides, some people watched YouTube for fun, and it is hard to connect actual sales of the Clorox’s products. Furthermore, throughout this campaign, many different hashtags were made, so people might confuse that which hashtags mentioned about the campaign because some parents were not familiar with hashtags even though they used social media
Out of the many appeals that companies use to advertise their product or service, the need to achieve is one of the most commonly seen. In our highly competitive society, everybody is trying to get ahead. Everybody is looking for that little advantage that will push them forward. The appeal of achievement correlates with success and winning, ideas that represent the outcomes of hard work on which people like to pride themselves. In many of their ads, Geico likes to tap into our competitive nature by offering us incentives, such as saving time and money, which speak specifically to our consumer culture. Such a tactic proves to be effective because for the most part, consumers in our ambitious society
When it comes to lawn mowers, chainsaws, blowers and all of the other kinds of landscape equipment you need, there are a number of retailers to choose from: everything from big box stores to dedicated small businesses. And while the former may carry some great products, the experts at Durden’s Rental & Service Center Inc., a locally owned landscape equipment sales, rentals and repair center based in Statesboro, GA, contend that you’re ultimately much better off working with an independent store.
Although all of the advertising campaigns mentioned in the documentary have impacted me in some way, I would have to say that the one that has impacted me the most would be the “got milk” campaign. I thought it was interesting to hear the story of what inspired the slogan, mainly because of how such a simple catchy phrase exploded and became one of the most used slogans around the world. In the documentary it was shown that the main goal when selecting the slogan was simply to remind people to continue buying milk. I am sure the campaign accomplished that goal and exceeded any expectations they had. Personally the “got milk” campaign did not make me or my family purchase more milk than before but I remember seeing “got milk” advertisements
The events and marketing department holds movie festival series of extensive six months, celebrating people who understand that small ideas can create big change. The festival’s objectives are to connect the brand with food and environmental issues and to inspire people to make a difference.
gave consumers up to 25% off. They also had over 2250 sales people make presentations for the
Unlike many of our competitors, we obtain an extraordinary collection of name brand equipment. Caterpillar Inc., John Deere, and Mitsubishi are only a few of the brands we sell.
Tired of fighting weeds in your lawn and landscape all year long? Look at any finely manicured lawn and behind it you will find an owner who hires a professional lawn care company or licensed chemical application company. If they don't, then they are probably retired and have the time it takes to keep their lawn at its best.
Change can only happen when one is able to speak out about it. In the short story The Friday that Everything Changed, Alma speaks out, so the social norms can be questioned, and redeveloped. While reading the story, one can also infer that her question was strange, as the teachers would “just [burst] out laughing at Alma right away” (pg 2). Alma starts questioning the system, wondering, “Why can’t girls go for water too?” (pg 2). This leads the rest of the girls, who become intoxicated by this idea, to follow along trying to induce change. In the result of speaking out, the girls got to carry the water bucket. Although it is difficult to discuss more sensitive subjects, silence is a heavier burden.
According to NY Daily News, Americans devote an average of 33 hours of television a week ( Hinckley, David). A quarter of that time goes to watching advertisements. This equates to 16.5 straight days a year. Advertisers see the benefits of spending time with their viewers. It’s their way to shape how we think about their products. They see the value in how time is effective in order to persuade your thinking. The same goes for activism. The best way to positively persuade somebody’s thoughts is to put in the time and effort into the audience.
This advertisement was targeted towards young college age students, particularly more caring people who would want to help out people after disasters like these people. This ad showed other college aged people all going into help people with the hurricane relief, cleaning up homes, debris and other hazards left over from the the hurricane. This ad was effective towards its target audience, as a student had said, they had came out to help based on the advertisement. They are doing what they had intended to do getting teens to on their spring break come and help out the people who had hurricane katrina happen to them get their homes back. They not only got back their homes, but they were helped and all of the people now are getting the ability
Announced a contest whereby customers could win the right to use the Wienermobile (automobile used to promote Oscar Mayer products) for a day. Generated over 15,000 entries within a month.5