
Take Back Your Weekend

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Take back your weekend

Exmark is an independent manufacturer of professional turf care equipment that opened in May of 1982. Today, it is the leading manufacturer of commercial mowers for the landscape professional. In addition to designing, building and marketing quality turf care equipment, Exmark's goal is total customer satisfaction. All Exmark mowers, from walk-behinds to zero-turn riders and out-fronts, are designed to help customers increase productivity while delivering unmatched cut quality. Products are sold to distributors and dealers across the country and world. In 2015 Exmark made an advertising and marketing plan, and it was perfect for the company. The campaign was named “Take Back Your Weekend”. From commercials, posters, social media, and even customer …show more content…

they announce the launch of its Take Back Your Weekends Video Contest, a unique user-generated “content initiative that will enable the world’s leading commercial-grade mower manufacturer to reach and impact consumers in a unique and meaningful manner” (realtree). Addressing the universal consumer challenges that is a lack of time, Exmark’s Video Contest welcomes interested consumers to create and submit a video depicting how they would take back their weekends if more free time for hobbies and leisure pursuits was available. “Our Take Back Your Weekends Video Contest is a great tool that will allow us to engage our customers and prospects in a real-world scenario, and to truly listen to what matters most to them in their daily lives,” states John Cloutier, Sr. Marketing Manager. With eighteen winners, they will be consuming free advertising. Customers that make a video must share it on their personal social media accounts and it will allow all their family and friends to know how wonderful using Exmark is. Showing that even everyday people can do it

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