
Marketing Strategies Of Aldi And Waitrose

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Introduction to Marketing
Unit 3: Marketing
Assignment 1: Marketing Strategies
Tutor: Sara Little
Describe how marketing techniques are used to market products in two different organisations.

By Ben Thorpe

1) Title Page

2) Contents

3) Introduction




7) Waitrose

8) Waitrose

9) Mind Map

10) References (Harvard Referencing Style)

(Please note: Task 1, 3 & 4 have been combined together into one report. Task 2 is separate and can be found on page 9)

This report will examine, compare and evaluate the marketing strategies of both Aldi and Waitrose supermarket chains.
The report is divided into 9 pages with no appendices attached.
Harvard referencing has been used throughout the report(s).

Aldi’s Survival Strategies
The three core values of Aldi are simplicity, consistency and responsibility

Aldi’s Marketing Mix
Aldi’s mix focuses on providing high quality products that are cheaper alternatives to famous brands. Aldi’s marketing mix therefore focuses on:
• Product – high quality ‘Like Brands’.
• Price – Aldi offers lower prices than its competitors without compromising on quality.
• Place – Aldi outlets are expanding globally.
• Promotions – Aldi uses a combination of above-the-line and below-the-line promotions with a focus on its ‘Like Brands’ and ‘Swap & Save’ campaigns.
Aldi’s Branding
Aldi has had a massive marketing campaign in place since 2014, this campaign is called ‘Like Brands’

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