
Symbols Of Failed Government : Connotation, And The Holocaust

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Failed governments are present all throughout history. Before people can grow and advance, they must fail first to learn what works and what doesn’t. The same thing is true for government. In history, we see examples all the time of governments who have failed who have oppressed individuals. Examples of governments that have failed include the Confederation and the Nazis. Both groups of people have controversial connotation for one or more of their symbols which include flags and statues. Symbols of failed governments, including the Confederate flag and the Nazi flag, should not be presented in grand fashion outside of museums because they show racism and hatred towards certain factions of people.
It took years for the United States to find a form of government that has worked. First, the US had the Articles of Confederation which failed miserably. Then after a while, they made the constitution and formed a democracy which has worked up to this day. During history, the South, also known as the Confederate states, decided that they no longer wanted to follow the laws of the US and “seceded (withdrew) from the United States in 1860 and 1861” (Confederate Flag). They thought slaves were lawful, but the northern states disagreed. This disagreement caused the civil war to begin, and in the end, was won by the Union. A symbol of the Confederation was the Confederate flag or the “Flag of Dixie” (Confederate Flag) which many people now associate it with a negative connotation. Some

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