
Symbolism In Monk Kidd

Decent Essays

Monk Kidd characterizes T. Ray as a savage and a resentful widower. Before of his wife’s death, it seemed as if he was mistreating his wife, but the reason is unclear why he would be hurting her (7). For example, while his wife is packing he comes upstairs and shakes her to stop her from leaving him. T. Ray clearly shows the audience that he is not one to solve problems by simply talking, but rather by physical abuse. However as the story slowly progresses, it seems as if he loathes his daughter, Lily more than his wife. At the beginning, the reader learns how T. Ray refuses to buy his daughter new clothes, celebrate her birthday, and creates harsh punishments when she misbehaves. From the back story, it seems that T. Ray is more cruel …show more content…

Rosaleen is not afraid to stand up what she believes in. For instance, when she walks to town with Lily, she is not afraid to tell the three white men that she is going to go register to vote (31). Rosaleen seems to symbolize the civil rights movement occurring throughout the United States. Rosaleen truly believes all African Americans should have the same rights as the average white American. Rosaleen is also seen to be the only mother figure Lily has had after his mother’s death. Rosaleen is not afraid to stand up to T. Ray for Lily. In particular, Rosaleen bought Lily a purple biddy that insisted on pooping wherever it wanted in the living room; therefore, T. Ray became very upset, but Rosaleen stood up for Lily and told him at least it was not pooping all over the house (11). Rosaleen shows that she is not afraid of anyone, no matter how tough they look and act. Rosaleen is also the one character Lily falls back on when she feels sad and unloved. Rosaleen loves Lily and treats her as if she was her daughter, possibly because she feels pity for Lily -- due to the fact that Lily lost her mother and T. Ray never goes out of his way to make time for her. This reason could also be why Rosaleen goes to Tiburon with Lily instead of staying in

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