
Kill A Mockingbird And The Secret Life Of Bees

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To Kill a Mockingbird and The Secret Life of Bees
By: Pawanpreet Mundi
Every novel in the English literature has similarities and differences to another. The comparison between the novels is judged from topics such as the setting, laws, characters and daily living. The novel, To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee has many similarities and differences with the novel, The Secret Life of Bees by Sue Monk Kidd. Both novels are comparative as the characters in the books, their relationships and community laws portrayed are very similar and different to each other. The following examples and explanations prove that the authors of both novels are trying to convey similar yet different messages. In view of that, relationships between characters in ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ are clearly similar and different to ‘The Secret of Bees’. Lily explains her relationship by saying, “Rosaleen had worked for us since my mother died. My daddy– who I called T. Ray because ‘Daddy’ never fit him” (2). This quotation from ‘The Secret Life of Bees’ is by Lily, narrating her relationship with Rosaleen and T. Ray. Rosaleen treats Lily like her daughter as she compliments Lily and gives advice on her decision of fashion school. Comparatively, when Lily tells her father T. Ray about the swarm of bees in her room, T. Ray does not believe her daughter and instead threatens punishment. This quote states Rosaleen genuinely cares for Lily as she thinks for her best while T. Ray does not treat her own

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