
Symbolism In Beata Rossetti

Decent Essays

“In a symbol there is concealment and yet revelation”
-Thomas Carlyle

Solving of the problem of love and death was an implication of the symbolists’ ideal view. On the one side, passionate love, which boarders with being demоnic, that leаds lоvers to dеath, аnd the dеath itself, that оpens the doors to new life, making the lovers immortal. The idea of expressing interrelation of these two concepts, crucially important for symbolism, that lies in the artwork “Beata Beatrix” made by Dante Gabriel Rossetti.

The subject of this artwork is the scene from the emotionally autobiographical work of Dante AlighieriLa Vita Nuova”, at the moment of Beatrice Portinari’s death, who the author loved deeply. Rossetti depicts the moment of Beatrice’s death on her parents’ balcony in 1290, however, for the artist this scene means much more, than just a visual interpretation of a scene from a book.

In 1962 the beloved wife and muse of Gabriel Rossetti - Elizabeth Siddal - died at the …show more content…

On the background on the right hand side of the picture, Rossetti depicts Dante (it is said by several art critics that it is the symbol of death), whereas on the opposite side of Beatrice there is a mystical figure in the red robe with a flaming heart in his hands. It is the symbol of love and spiritual connection between Beatrice and Dante (the parallel between Elizabeth and Rossetti also may be drawn).

At the background next to Dante we can see a sundial that shows 9 o’clock. This number famous author (Alighieri) connects to Beatrice’s life and death in a mystical way several times throughout “La Vita Nuova”. Behind heroine’s head we can see the river Arno, a bridge above it, and a slight silhouette of the Ponte Vecchio and the Duomo of Florence, where Dante Alighieri and Beatrice were both living until her unfortunate

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