
Pan's Labyrinth: Adult Fairy Tale Genre

Decent Essays

Beatrice "Bice" di Folco Portinari (1266–1290) was a Florentine woman who has been commonly identified as the principal inspiration for Dante Alighieri’s Vita Nuova (New Life) in which Dante expresses the medieval idea of courtly love (see next paragraph for details on this). In Vita Nuova, Dante tries to write love poetry that was less centered on the self and more aimed at love as such: he intended to elevate courtly love poetry, many of its tropes and its language, into sacred love poetry. Beatrice for Dante was the embodiment of this kind of love—transparent to the Absolute, inspiring the integration of desire aroused by beauty with the longing of the soul for divine splendor.
In the traditional courtly love dynamic, …show more content…


ESSAY QUESTION: Research the "fairy tale" genre, in general, then discuss the way in which director Guillermo Del Toro has created an adult fairy tale in which the innocence of fantasy collides with the real horrors of war. Provide and discuss at least three specific examples/scenes from the film to support your argument.

Pan’s Labyrinth, a Mexican film, directed by Guillermo del Toro in 2006, created an adult fairy tale in which innocence and fantasy collided with the real horror of war. Greenhill & Matrix communicate that, “Fairytales are fictional narratives that combine human and non-human protagonists with elements of wonder and the supernatural. They come in traditional (usually collected from oral tellers) or literary (formally composed and written) forms (15).” Del Toro created an adult fairy tale. Ofelia (Ivana Baquero) journeys between fantasy and reality. Ophelia’s character is subjective to the cruel realities of war while being forced to live with captain Vidal (Sergio Lopez). In the alternative reality, Ophelia is on a hopeful journey which will end in a joyful reunion. When Ofelia meets the satyr creature Pan (Doug Jones) there is joy at the thought of being a princess from an alternate reality. When Ophelia completes task one (capturing to key from the toad) she is successful and there is hope. With the completions of the final task, there is peace when she is accepted into her kingdom. This is a juxtaposition to the harsh realities of the real world that is being ravaged by war and pain. The startling images of Captain Vidal killing an innocent hunter collides with the fantasy Ophelia experiences while in the alternative world. Rebels being brutally tortured displays images filed with fear and anger. Savage explosions and gun fire that end in mass casualties. Ophelia is an innocent child who can escape into fantasy and gain respite from the brutality of the

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