
Swot Analysis on Walmart

Good Essays


Choose an organization you are familiar with and

(a). Submit an SWOT analysis of the organization with an evaluation of each element of the SWOT.


III. SWOT analysis


The strength of Wal-Mart is the popularity. The company is known worldwide. The company's strength is the brand name which is very strong. The mark strength is what returns the company, its products and services popular. In addition the company's strength is its ability to make strategic adjustments every time you need . The company ensures that whenever changes occur in the industry have plans alternative to it. The strength of the company is the supply chain system where the company has products in a locked place until needed in a certain …show more content…


v. Legal

vi. Environmental

e. Five forces

i. Potential Entrants

ii. Competitive Rivalry

iii. Substitutes

iv. Bargaining power of buyers and sellers

III. SWOT Analysis

a. Strength

b. Weakness

c. Opportunities

d. Threats

IV. Strategic Issues

V. Strategic Options

VI. Implementation/Change factors

VII. References


While at the University of Missouri, SAM WALTON increased his income by selling newspapers and organizing others to do so for him, had other part-time jobs too well. You may not amazing, then, that Walton took a job in detail with JC Penney later on the effect in 1940. Although there he has been at work for long experience and had a great impact on Walton. He learned to relate to colleagues in the business as partners (Kennedy 2000). He learned the importance to keep a finger on the pulse of the retail detail by visiting the stores on own and was very competitive. It was reported that he gave local managers a small shop on the benefits of making their stores as a way for them to buy the property in the success of the

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