
Swot Analysis Of Island Abbey Foods

Decent Essays

Organizational structure that works best for Island Abbey Foods-
Traditional Bureaucracy / Modern Organization –
Honibe is a flat organization partnered with pharma and natural health food companies to bring together health conscious consumers across the world. The company initiated with ACOA as a small scale production but its demand and sales proved that their was a large market for their unique range of products.
John Rowe stated that he is drive to create something that doesn’t exist today. He started his research and innovation which began with a small idea and now he has an organization which not only manufactures honey products but also package them and supplies it to the retailer. John’s vision of success; to make Honibe the …show more content…

These world-class researchers proved to be asset for the company thus reducing the in-house production costs.

Work specialization-
Functional/ Social
Functional Specialization – As the divison of jobs is done into simpler parts keeping the level of professionalism in mind. This scientific or functional specialization provides higher degree of job specialization. The workers perform simple, specific and repetitive tasks. From the farmers, bee keepers, employees to the management all are aware of the nature of their job.
As they were first to discover how to dehydrate honey, the small company turned into a new business. Rowe believed that was vital to hire staff with the required skill sets. IAF hired trustworthy staff which have a positive impact on the consumers around the world. The IAF team consists of 40-45 employees who’s experience and knowledge are specific to the needs of the organization. Depending on the demand and supply, the employees are centered in production, general operations, marketing, sales, research and customer service. Rowe and his team specifically target their audience and is now spread in other provinces of Canada such as Quebec, Ontario, Manitoba, Alberta and British Columbia etc.

Mechanistic/Organic –
It is more likely an organic organization as the system of the organization is mutually connected and dependent. The management style is ‘Open’. The company shares a common goal and the combination of

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