
Sweetheart Dance Research Paper

Decent Essays

This paper is a reflection of my volunteering experience with The Arc of Tricitie’s February Sweetheart Dance. The dance was held on February 20, 2017 from 4 P.M. until 9 P.M. Prior to volunteering for this event or taking the practice with persons with special needs class I did not have much experience with the special needs population. The most interaction I had had with the special needs population was in high school, but it was not on a regular basis. Many of my thoughts and feelings were changed after volunteering for the Sweetheart Dance.
I was nervous and worried about the event, simply because I did not know what to expect. Most of what is depicted on social media and television is negative, or steered toward creating a sense of hopelessness …show more content…

Those attending the Sweetheart dance were well behaved. This was shown clearly at the beginning of the night. Everyone was lined up and waited their turn to pay to get into the dance. When the pizza arrived and we started to hand out food to each person. I was able to notice that most of them were able to not only be well behaved, but were also able to take direction. Before handing out the pizza each individual had to hand in the ticket that they received from registration. With that ticket they would then tell us what kind of pizza they wanted. The line was organized and everyone waited their turn. To our surprise we did not have any over eating, we thought there would be simply because it was the one thing we were warned about. These everyday tasks and behaviors that we practice every day I thought would be very difficult for individuals with special needs. Being able to interact with these individuals I was able to see for myself that I was wrong and that it may be difficult for any individuals with to take directs or behave accordingly, regardless of special …show more content…

Those who did need a little help with getting out of their comfort zone did not require that much of a push. Others would simply grab their hands and they would start to dance out on the dance floor. The photo booth was a fun and well organized activity. The people taking pictures used the photo booth props accordingly and made it fun. The dancing was fun, most everyone participated and were very outgoing. The friendliness of everyone made this volunteer project a great experience. When clean up time came around I was so happy and surprised to see how many people came together to get the party cleaned up. Some individuals who helped take down decorations were bringing the decorations to me faster than I could put them away. They also helped with taking the decoration to the cars as

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