
7 Year Old Dance Research Paper

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With sweaty palms, a racing heart, and shaky knees I wait with the infinite patience only a 7 year old can achieve for the girl in front of me to begin the long trek to the center of the stage. The burlap is scratchy under my feet and the beautiful sparkly gold costume I was so excited to finally put on is giving me hives it’s so itchy. Although the so called stage is really just a 9 by 12 foot stretch of burlap fabric, our “audience” is as big as you can imagine the size of a crowd thrilled to watch seven year-olds dance would be- huge. After wishing to be one of the girls on the rough fabric stage located in the center of our local Thai temple for years, seeing it from the other side made me think maybe I didn’t want to step out there after all. Sure, I used to run out on stage when I was four to dance with all the pretty older girls and of course it was cute then, but I’m older now and if I …show more content…

I can’t think about that now though, the song is starting, and even worse, the girl in front of me is starting to move. Since I was 3 years old my mother would take me to the local Thai temple in Fremont, California every Sunday in order to set up her little booth to sell traditional Thai desserts in the food court. While she was overwhelmed with happy customers waiting to get their fix of sugary sweetness, thai style, I would sneak away to the front of the temple where the festivals were held. There, would be the gorgeous Thai dancers in their traditional costume on stage with hundreds of people gathered to watch their grace and beauty. I, of course, would always try to get on stage to dance with them. It was the dream of my little four year old self to one day wear the same pretty costumes and dance the same intricate dances as they did that evoked such joyous responses from the crowds watching

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