Mid- cycle Review for officer Susan Haymaker
Officer Susan Haymaker adjudicates most I Form and N Form types adjudications. She assists at the Info Counter for customer inquiries. She helps with naturalization ceremonies and assists in a congressional inquiry line.
Core Competencies
Communication: Officer Haymaker interacts with the public through interviews, front counter inquiries, naturalizations ceremonies, and congressional inquiries. During interviews, there have been some complaints about asking relevant questions. These objections have been unsubstantiated; however, especially during possible fraud or inadmissible type interview, want to ensure that the interview stays on track and to the point to remove any doubts. Her communicates
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She promotes a helping image during her duties at the Information Counter during InfoPass appointment. She assists with naturalization ceremonies and has assisted in providing the congressional staffers information about their constituent information. However, there has been one incident where she did not close out the LETS inquiries within required period and the mistake reflexes poorly on our office to Headquarters.
Teamwork and Cooperation: Officer Haymaker is approachable and accepts last minute assignments that are needed for that day. She supports the team effort with interviewing an average of 6.07 N Form cases per day, whereas the team average is 6.72 interviews per day. With I Form interviews, average 5.0 interviews with the team average of 6.01 interviews per day. Her case processing is below team average; however, she has an eye to spot fraud indicators and pursues it. During this upcoming period, she will be given more instruction and practical training on being more at ease with separation
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She is familiar with data mining systems abilities and request data to help with her cases that show possible marriage fraud. Recently interviewing officers have been given a training class for looking for fraud indicators and to develop the facts during a separation interview better. During this next rating period, Officer Haymaker needs to work on being more creative with the interview process than spending so much time preparing statements. Probing for fraud is better to allow the conversation to follow its own path than preparing a complete statement beforehand. Officer Haymaker has the instinct and the drive to pursue fraud matters, just needs to focus
She continuously is aiding the lives of children that are desperate need of help. Moreover, she has uplifted the divide of having only one type of skin colour present in the Senate. She has fulfilled her duties of what she desired to accomplish through her career and is a living example of how one person can affect the hundreds of thousands of lives that will change the way they see and perceive the world. She is an inspiration to many through her numerous contributions to Canada.
C. Padmore discussed “Teamwork” was discussed amongst staff. Staff was given a handout on “Teamwork” Staff also offered up a few examples of teamwork.
Goals: Stephanie will continue to maintain an open dialog with her peers, other areas of the department and her chain of command to achieve and ensure the mutual understanding of the Criminal History Record Information Processing (CHRIP) Bureaus policies and procedures. She will continue to abide and adhere to the Professional Conduct policy, Ten General Orders, 06.10.00, Courtesy policy 05.17.00 and the Crime Records Service (CRS) policies and procedures. Stephanie is required to enroll in the Employee Development Course - Life Languages.
She was the first woman to hold the position of chairman in the committee. She is a member of the Senate Appropriations Committee and ranking member of the Subcommittee on Energy and Water. She is a member of the Senate Rules and Administration Committee, and was the first woman to chair the Joint Congressional Committee on Inaugural Ceremonies. Feinstein can provide assistance in the forms of purchasing flags flown over the Capitol, applying for a Service Academy Nomination, requesting meetings in D.C., requesting a copy of a bill, and applications for District Judge, U.S. Attorney and U.S. Marshall.
Communication: Officer Goetsch delivers a friendly and approachable image to our applicants and their families that come for their biometrics appointment. He makes himself available for any questions about the immigration process. He is a very welcoming to our clients and other employees. He presents written correspondence through emails and standardizes
Communication: Officer Ingleby is a soft spoken individual that puts our clients at ease during his interactions with the public. He prepares written correspondences that are clear and have minimum errors. He pays attention to detail to ensure the correct addresses and important dates are correct. He understands that the aesthetics of the document is just as important as the words on it. His tone is not aggressive in his denials.
She fought to ensure homeland security to keep our country safe and she advocates for bipartisan immigration reform that treats immigrants equally and focus on deporting those who threaten national security and make borders more secure. Her position in the House Appropriations committee has served millions of dollars to create jobs on much needed locations and transportation projects that made organizations in her district. She has been on the fight to improve the affordability of health services which led to protect the health of mothers and babies; she accomplished the local health needs that includes the infant and child care, HIV testing, Substance abuse, diabetes treatment, dental etc. she even obtain federal dollars for local education such as afterschool care, early education and magnet
She was concerned why the bill stated that independent adjusters were required for following federal privacy and informational security laws, barred from giving legal advice, having a conflict of interest, and perhaps even benefiting in some form from their position. As a result, she asked if any of these instances occurred in the past which prompted Richardson to non hesitantly say yes. She said that in order to promote transparency, this language was inserted in the bill to show the committee that the Department was serious in ensuring that independent adjusters were following local, state, and federal
And finally, there is the issue of staff mismanagement. The supervisor, Keith Frazier, is only checking in with this department one to two times per week. Mr. Frazier is aware that Pat is making international phone calls. He is also aware that Pauline found a way for Pat to make these calls from the building’s elevator once he had the phone system modified to only allow internal calls. Mr. Frazier has also been fielding complaints from the accountants about not receiving their tax schedules in a timely fashion. However, he has failed to confront either of these issues. This lack of management can be attributed to the following:
She uses her ethos to show the congress and people of Louisiana that she feels the pain they feel, not only as a citizen, or a political figure, but as a mother, a sister, and a daughter. It also helps show that she is a very trustworthy figure to be helping the people rebuild their state along with the cities they live
The subject of immigration is something important to her as she is and an immigrant as well and hopes someday the senate will come with an immigration reform that will allow immigrants to live in the united States without fear of
She is currently a professional social worker who works with immigrants and advocates for better policies to enhance their well-being.
|Willumsen |Case study |Interpersonal and |Situation changes over time; |Different professions and |Coordinating team meetings |
The manager interviewed for this assignment was Chief Warrant 3 Linwood Bowers, the Chief of the Personnel Support Directorate of the White House Communications Agency (WHCA). Chief Bowers has held his present position for four years. The focus of the interview was the unique challenges of good communication.
And once a new person supported was taken on-board, the support service supervisor selects a team which would support the individual, and the support workers working in the team can report to any of the case managers. A support worker would report to one particular case manager for performance appraisal purpose, but can work on any of the teams under any of the case managers. Thus initially, this structure was successful, as it reduced the work load and burnout, by making the support workers spend less time on each case, thus accommodating vacations and sick coverage. But as the organization grew and more cases were taken on-board, it became more challenging as each support worker was working for many case managers and ended up working more hours, and support workers’ performance appraisal, scheduling was impacted. Thus this cross-reporting structure impacted the employees and organization. Multiple managers, conflicting policies and procedures, and contradictory loyalties can often lead to ineffective management. Conflicts may occur between team managers, who are forced to compete for the time of the individual team members and leads to operational inefficiency and increased costs.