Survey on graph databases
Informatics, University of Edinburgh
Abstract. Graph databases, also called graph-oriented database, is a type of not only SQL (NoSQL) database based on graph theory that can store, map and query data relationships. Because this kind of database ensures its robust performance in processing graph-like data, it has been widely used in industry, for instance, Facebook and Twitter are using graph databases to store and analyze their user proles. This paper re- viewed motivations and development of graph databases. Then it sur- veyed ve typical implementations (Apache Giraph, DEX/Sparksee, Hy- perGraphDB, Neo4j, Titan) of this kind of databases via four dimensions
(data model, storage system, query method, API and tools). The re- sults of comparison gure out the limits and strengths of dierent graph databases. 1 Introduction
In 1970 E.F.Codd published the paper A relational model of data for large shared data banks"[13] where the relational model was proposed. After decades of development Relational Database Management System (RDBMS) based on this model has become the most prevailing technology for the storage and anal- ysis of data today. However, because of the thrive new internet technologies such as web 2.0 sites[20], the growing number of internet users, as well as the increasing data sources like mobiles, sensors, the datasets developers face are becoming unprecedentedly large and complex that it is hard to process in tradi-
In the past decade, the number of internet users in the United States and worldwide has grown dramatically with an estimated 218 million US citizens having
What is a Social Network? A Social Network is a place where people can post what is happening in their day to day life. Many people believe this is the place where they can reflect about aspects of their everyday lives. In which may include the person's beliefs, fears, likes, dislikes, dreams and more. The fact that everyone is able to look at what you're doing and actually looking at who you really are in your pictures. Thats kind of scary in the sense you don't know what people are looking at you, and you don't even know them. This is a danger because they can stalk you and maybe even look for you in the future.
Software companies should renovate their websites based on modernized use of the internet. They should be aware that the internet is used differently now than it used to be, and that more people use it as a means of bridging communication gaps with people that they don’t know. They should find ways to keep people educated about social issues in a well-distributed
I would have the fields set up as first name (EMP_FIRST), middle initital, (EMP_INITIAL), last name (EMP_LAST), area code (EMP_AREACODE), phone (EMP_PHONE).
In the last few years the internet has become an essential part of the way we interact with and has become a staple in the
Pritchett, C. G., Pritchett, C. C., & Wohleb, E. C. (2013). Usage, barriers, and training of Web 2.0 technology applications. Srate Journal, 22(2), 29-38. Retrieved from
In the universe of internet there are thousands of sites with different formats, objectives, specialties and services, and today on the web we can find the same products that can be found walking the city streets: newspapers, electronic stores, banks, grocery stores, transportation services, hospitals, pharmacies, gift shops and hundreds of department stores.
The Web is structure on the idea of sharing, for the most part for free. This evens the playing field to everyone with a computer, a phone, and/or a tablet and the connection to the internet. This means the average person has a platform and an audience, something that has never happened before until recently.
Advances in the internet have changed the way America works,learns,and communicates. The internet has become an integral part of our social life. This has assisted us by communicating and research purposes.
Abstract- This research documents a comprehensive evaluation of the emerging graph databases along with a benchmark study to compare it to the existing relational model. With the ease of the graphical representation brought in with Neo4j, we saw the opportunity to attempt getting details about the various attributes in the dataset and analyze this data to present a statistical view along with its popular counterpart, MySQL. The ultimate goal of this study is to determine whether a traditional relational database system like MySQL, can be replaced completely in production, by a graph database, such as Neo4j.
The internet is a magnificent tool for friends and family to connect or gather educational information. Because of the convenience the internet has, it used by millions of people around the world. What happens when this
Network – A network database model helps to allow different records to be linked to the same owner file. This is usually looked upon as an upside down tree which make it look as if it is linking up to the owner bit that is at the bottom of the tree. This helps to make it look flexible. Also the relationship within the database model can be seen as a many-to-many relationship, which means it can be linked to many different file etc.
The internet has also seen new markets for jobs appear [3]"over the last decade or so the Internet has created 1.2 million jobs, many paying higher salaries than average." because of the new developments there are more people needed to perform research maintain and manage these areas of the internet.
With the development of the Web 2.0 which made Internet participative, the Internet users are now capable of expressing themselves, interacting, and giving their opinion onto everything (products, services, brands, companies, cultural property) and on everybody, via multiple platforms on Internet. To criticize a restaurant on Cityvox, to note a seller on eBay, to denounce the actions of a brand or a company via a viral video on YouTube, to support a candidate for an election, to
Many RDBMS programs also provide the tools you need to create end-user applications that interact with the data stored in the database. Of course, the quality of an RDBMS is a direct function of the extent to which it supports the relational database model. Even among “true” RDBMSs, support for the relational database varies among vendors, and there is yet to be a full implementation of the relational model’s potential. Despite this, all RDBMS programs continue to evolve and become more full-featured and powerful than ever