The Superbowl Commercial I thought was good was the one with Antman and the Hulk. In this commercial Antman had a mini coke and the Hulk was chasing Antman for it. They both stopped on a buildings roof and the Hulk told Antman that he wanted it. Antman gave the mini coke to the Hulk and he could not get it open because his fingers were to big. Antman jumped onto the coke and opened it for him. Antman took a drop of it from the air and drank it and the Hulk drank the rest. In this commercial they were trying to get people to buy mini coke. The point of theis commercial is that no one is to big to have a mini coke or a normal sized coke. I liked this commercial because I like the Hulk and I think alot of other people do too. I think that they also could have used a regular coke also. I think this because now alot of people might just buy mini coke not regular coke. That might be a problem for them because they are now going to have to make another commercial for regular sized coke so that people start buying both. …show more content…
I think they used the Hulk because the commercial is about mini coke and the Hulk is big. I also think they used this because most people know who the Hulk and Antman are. I think that because they used the Hulk and Antman it would get younger kids to watch and pay attition since some little kids like the Hulk. I think they used both the Hulk and Antman because if someone does not like the Hulk Antman is there so they can watch him and the other way around for the people who don't like Antman. Also if there are people who don't like neither Antman or the Hulk the commercial is about coke so that might also make them want to watch
During the Superbowl people usually enjoy the some what famous commercials. Some are very good and others are not that good. This year's Superbowl contained both the good commercials and the not so good commercials. The two Superbowl commercials that were very entertaining was the Skittles commercial and the Febreze commercial. Both were very entertaining because they wanted to catch the audience's eye on how funny they were plus to get people to buy their products. Both of these commercials were very entertaining. But, which one was a better commercial?
The commercial starts out with Mean Joe Greene limping off the field from a well-played game. As he is heading towards the locker room he is followed by a young boy holding a coke bottle. The boy asks if he needs any help and Greene responds by saying no. This leaves the boy feeling sad because his favorite player just turned him down. But the kid persists by telling him he thinks he’s the best ever. Greene just responds yeah…sure. The boy then asks Greene if he wants his coke.
As the young man, Busch, is traveling from town to town the audience can see hard working, laboring men all around him. Just having these background characters make the commercial easier to relate to.
In a commercial shown this past Sunday during the super bowl featured what is described as a political statement. Although, the owner of the company 84 Lumber which produced this commercial is saying otherwise. Making the statement “My intent was to show that through struggles we will do anything we possibly can to make the world a better place for our children,” 84 Lumber’s CEO Maggie Hardy Magerko said. While she had said, many people are of course taking to social media to express either love or hate towards the company. Some even going as far as to cancel orders with 84 Lumber, because of the commercial. Nonetheless, the commercial aired during the super bowl but was only 90 seconds long and ended
The Cam Newton commercial was by far one of the funniest and best commercials that aired during Super Bowl 51. If the Cam Newton isn't voted the best then maybe the commercial with Melissa McCarthy in it was. They are both funny and catch your attention. The Super Bowl commercial were really bad this year except the two. They weren't any good because they all go political.
First, the subject of the commercial deduced after watching it is one, which cannot be ignored. Almost everyone was affected by the September 11 attack and paid attention to any opportunity that shows respect for the victims. Secondly, the audience only realized that it was an advertisement at the end of the commercial when the company logo is shown. But more influential is the use of rhetorical appeals.
People these days have seen so many commercials when it comes to a commercial break they tend not to watch it because it seems like it is always the same thing,so companies really have to spend time and money in putting together a commercial that people will remember by using rhetorical devices like pathos, logos, and ethos. By using the rhetorical devices companies like Heinz are able to make great memorable commercials that people will
Bill Backer first starts off by using logos in “I’d like to buy the world a Coke.” Bill Backer starts the commercial with white adolescent Americans singing, the first verse says “I’d like to buy the world a home and furnish it with love,” using that phrase
Of course, the Super Bowl can be considered the most watched television recording in American history. As a result of withholding the attention of such a vast audience, many commercials are showcased during the Super Bowl games, creating a commodity in which those commercials are watched more than the Super Bowl games themselves. A mass amount of viewers can unquestionably be beneficial to advertisers seeking to sell their products and services. However, benefits are not the only things these ads invoke, detriment can occur as well, as seen throughout history among a variety of television commercials. The Coca Cola commercial, displayed during Super Bowl XLVII, is one of the most recent commercials that has been scrutinized. The Coca Cola
The media and design in the ad helps The Coca Cola Company take on the deeper parts of a person to get to its purpose. They do this by creating an image with the aforementioned pictures collaged together to focus the attention of the
Bill Backer first starts off by using logos in “I’d like to buy the world a coke.” Bill Backer starts the commercial with white adolescent Americans singing, the first verse says “I’d like to buy the world a home and furnish it with love,” using that phrase expresses the use of logos by Informing the world that
I choose to analyze the Coca-Cola commercial of Coke Mini (Hulk vs. Ant-Man). I think this commercial would fall under ethos. They are using Hulk to be the character for ethos. Coca-Cola wants you to think that super heroes like Hulk or very important people are who they are because they are drinking Coco-Cola. In this commercial Hulk is the model, he is drinking a Coca-Cola so the people who love him will want to be like him and drink a Coca-Cola. I would say this commercial could also fall under logos, because they are using Hulk again like the role model. The commercial also touches the people who want to be huge and ripped or want to be a super hero like Hulk. It makes them want to drink a Coca-Cola to be like him as much as possible.
The Humpty Dumpty commercial was really interesting . Humpty Dumpty was broken because he was doing his taxes on the wall then he fell off it can crashed on the ground . There were knights ,cops ,and
There are many top ten lists of SuperBowl commercials available on the Internet. This one has been defined by the cumulative number of views on YouTube as of this writing, correlated to the number of mentions in Google search results. That approach has ensured an unbiased list of the top ten SuperBowl Commercials of 2012. Based on this approach here is the list:
Coco Cola advertisement seemed a good choice of texts for analysis because of the nature of Coca Cola’s approach to advertising. The famous logo was created in 1885 and this together with the iconic shapes of the bottle and corporate colours have not really changed since then. The shape of the bottle and logo colouring, instantly identifies it as Coco Cola. The advertisement analysed below is taken ‘Vogue’ Magazine (Issue November 2007) and is for ‘Diet Coke’ which was a new venture for the company in 1982 and within two years ‘Coke’ had become the top low-calorie soft drink in the world. Although “Coke” replaced the traditional name of “Coca Cola”, the red is still used and silver replaces the white