
Super Hero Who Will Save The World

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My dear child, I have a very important mission for you. You are going to be super hero who will save the world. Our planet is on the edge right now, soon we will be faced with very serious crisis. Energy crisis. We use energy every day and it’s very hard to imagine our world with out of electricity. Can you imagine, that one-day electricity may become as expensive as gold and we won’t be able to use it on regular basis, like we do now. And this day might be coming soon. So let’s imagine that we are on a freeway. Just a few miles over the horizon lies the ultimate exhaustion of our planet’s fossil fuel supply. However, before we reach that otherwise inevitable destination, there are several exits at which we can turn off to evade the unquestionably chaotic and potentially economically ruinous position of losing the energy source upon which we primarily rely. According to the Institute of Mechanical Engineers of MIT, there are 1.3 trillion barrels of proven oil reserve left in the world 's major fields, which at present rates of consumption should last 40 years. Same time the organization also emphasizes that by 2040, production levels may be down to 15 million barrels per day – just 20% of what we currently consume. By that time, it is probable that the world 's population will be double what it is today and much more industrialized, and therefore oil dependent (3).Do you understand how scary it is?!
That’s where we need you! My child, you are going to be fighter of science,

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