LeAnne, great post! I am particularly drawn to the focus of the shift of healthcare. There are many issues which seem to be coming to the forefront, especially gay rights, marijuana legalization, and woman. In concerns to the gay plight, healthcare may shift to accommodate the needs of Trans gendered individuals. As it stands, transitional costs are not covered by a majority of insurances. This is leading to street hormones, enhancements, and surgeries. This puts many lives in danger and has the potential to destroy their quality of life. The marijuana debate has also been gaining momentum. There have been many positive reports as to the uses of the drug for individuals afflicted with disease, seizure, and eye problems. There have been links
Super Grass, Ace, Greta, Ganja, Weed, Mary Jane, Dope, and the Herb, are just a few of the modern terms that today’s users call the drug that is marijuana. Research shows that in recent years the use of this drug has been on the rise, especially among teenagers. Bridget M. Kuehn, MSJ (2011) stated in her article, “As marijuana use for medical or recreational purposes is debated at state and municipal levels across the country, use of the drugs among teens continues to climb”(p. 242). In a survey done by the National Institute on Drug Abuse, 45,000 eighth, tenth, and twelfth grade students showed an increase in the use of Marijuana in comparison to years passed. From 5.2% of twelfth graders, 2.8% of tenth graders, and 1.0% of 8th graders
Anslinger also tried to confront the public relations nightmare that resulted from many popular entertainers, such as musicians and Hollywood actors, who were known marijuana smokers. Anslinger warned that there were “100,000 total marijuana smokers in the US, and most are Negroes, Hispanics, Filipinos, and entertainers. Their Satanic music, jazz, and swing, result from marijuana use. This marijuana causes white women to seek sexual relations with Negroes, entertainers, and any others.” Some jazz musicians even celebrated their marijuana use with songs such as “That Funny Reefer Man” by Cab Calloway, “Gimme a Reefer” by Bessie Smith, and “Muggles” by Louis Armstrong. Accordingly, he kept personal files or “gore files” on many celebrities.
This article discusses the actual controversy of marijuana uses, for both recreational and medical purposes. McCarthy emphasizes on the opinion of different optometrists, who are concern because patients are being asking questions related to marijuana uses and glaucoma, whether it is beneficial or not to treat such disease. However, the American Academy of Ophthalmology does not have a scientific evidence of marijuana effectiveness to treat glaucoma. In the 1970s different studies were conducted, showing that marijuana could lower intraocular pressure. Nonetheless, doctors do not back these studies, because medicinal marijuana can also make a weak intraocular pressure, and even harm the nerve. As a result, he states that marijuana is an ineffective
The topic of medical Marijuana brings much controversy when discussing amongst people that are for it or against it. Medical Marijuana has been the heated topic of discussion for the past few years now mainly for it’s medical benefits and the fight to decriminalize the herb.
The General perspective that society throws on marijuana is that equal to any drug; negative. However, many researchers have found that the effects of marijuana for medicinal purposes can be beneficial to the right patients, as well as the United States government. The negative effects from marijuana use in a medicinal environment are far less than that of most over the counter drugs, while the benefits remain the same. There are instances in which marijuana was legalized for people with prescriptions from licensed doctors; however, full legalization is leaps and bounds away from the current status. Another way full legalization could help is money the government uses to try and fight marijuana
Oscar Wilde once said, “Morality, like art, means drawing a line someplace.” This is indeed what is required when it comes to the lately controversial issue of legalizing cannabis. Of course, several states have publicly legalized marijuana to the extent of medical use (with the exception of Colorado as it legalized both medical and recreational use). If something with a notoriously high capacity for abuse is forbidden but more and more exceptions are being made until everyone starts experimenting with it, we’ve got a problem on our hands. Although there are any number of reasons you can come with as to why marijuana should not be legalized, the bottom line includes: its scientifically proven negative effects on health, the threat it
The controversy of legalizing marijuana has been raging for quite a while in America. From some people pushing it for medical purposes to potheads just wanting to get high legally. Marijuana has been used for years as a popular drug for people who want to get a high. All this time it has been illegal and now it looks as if the drug may become legal. There has been heated debate by many sides giving there opinion in the issue. These people are not only left wing liberals either. Richard Brookhiser, a National Review Senior editor is openly supportive of medical marijuana yet extremely conservative in his writing for National Review (Brookhiser 27). He is for medical marijuana since he used it in
The questions about uses of marijuana in the future does not have a clear answer to it. One of the poll represents that two third of Canadians believe that marijuana should be legalized; therefore, people would not have criminal records for non-violent offences. However, there is not a clear understanding of knowing that legalizing marijuana would create future criminal. The uses of marijuana for medical purposes are acceptable; however, there are a lot of people who does not have any diseases, and tries to take advantages of it. Government is certainly worried about recreational uses of marijuana, and started to collect dates about driving impairment. Many people are worried about the fact that teenagers will take advantages of marijuana as
Maine voters faced five referendum questions. The approved four, which will legalize recreational marijuana use, increase school funding through a tax surcharge on high earners, increase the state’s minimum wage and implement ranked-choice voting. Voters rejected expanded firearm background checks. Many people have different viewpoints on all of these questions. Governor Paul LePage voiced his opinion that this system of how questions get on the ballot needs reform. Some Mainer agree with this, but the results of these five questions show mixed reviews. Stone’s Chapter on “Liberty” ties into the idea of the referendum in Maine, because it is the way our voices are heard on a ballot we vote on.
The issue of Legalizing marijuana is a very controversial topic of modern times. The use of marijuana is all over the media with celebrities doing it and young people in on the craze. Marijuana is the world’s oldest illegal drug, not only that, it is also the drug that is most widely used among society today (Aanstoos, 2015). Different types of people use this drug for a variety of reasons, such as, as a way to disconnect from todays hectic world, something they are peer pressured into, or even medical reasons. My argument is against the concern of legalizing marijuana in general including medical marijuana. Before completely going all in against this drug, note that there is some relevant research, which shows Marijuana has some benefits to it. This paper will explore both points in against and in favor of legalizing marijuana to be revealed, aiming for an understanding of the issue and present a public health policy to improve and educate the public of this hot health topic.
Arnold Schwarzenegger once said, “That is not a drug. It’s a leaf.” The leaf he was referring to is marijuana. Skeptics view marijuana as a hazard to society and the well-being of our country’s people. Although, for others it is a solution to their disease. This kind of marijuana is medical marijuana, and it has the ability to provide relief to many, if only it was fully supported.
Legalizing marijuana is a concept that can potentially benefit the public as well as the local economies. There has been a nationwide debate on whether marijuana should be legalized or not. The major consensus is that marijuana is not only bad for one’s health, but it is also dangerous to the community. These allegations are not true. Marijuana actually has health benefits that most people overlook. The following essay will address these health benefits in an attempt to present this concept in a way that the audience can better understand how legalizing marijuana can beneficial to an individual health, how it can give an increase to the economy.
The debate over whether or not marijuana should be legalized has been active throughout the United States for nearly a century with arguments from both sides, pro and con, posing quite valid points. Research has proven that cannabis, in various forms, has been used for hundreds of years for recreational, medicinal and industrial purposes. Contrary to common misconception, cannabis, or marijuana, is not smoked in all forms. Only the flowers, or buds, and leaves are harvested for recreational use. Some believe that the legalization of marijuana could save the economy and would lower crime rates in certain areas. Marijuana can also be prescribed medically in certain states across the U.S. and is a Schedule I controlled substance, but THC, the
When you think of drugs we think of illegal substances that are harmful to the human body, but that isn't the case for ever drug. One of the most common, Marijuana the divered cannabis sativa plant that contains over 100 Cannabinoids or chemical compounds was first brought over to the United States in the 1900s after the Mexican Revolution, where many of people coming from Mexico brought over marijuana. Marijuana has many positive effects of a person such as Decreasing anxiety, Prevents Alzheimer's and does more good than harm, many people do and can benefit from this plant, not just people but the country as a whole.
If cannabis for medical use was passed as a law researchers would be more capable of doing studies to add onto the already numerous amounts of studies that they have done, but these new studies would open up the eyes to many negative or positive. What we do know is that studies have shown that medical marijuana reduces intraocular pressure in the eye, which slows the development of glaucoma. (Businessinsider.com) In another study done in 2007 medical marijuana, which contains cannabidiol, was once again able to slow down the advancement of the spread of cancer cells because the affect that this cannabidiol has on a certain gene (businessinsider.com). Once again due to a study completed by Kim Janda of the Scripps Research Institute in 2006, showed that the THC contained in marijuana slowed affects of plaque build up that destroy brain cells and cause the disease known as Alzheimer’s (businessinsider.com). These are only a few reports of the diseases that marijuana can have a positive affect on.