
Summary Of The Scarlet Ibis By James Hurst

Decent Essays

“The Scarlet Ibis” by James Hurst is a short story about a man looking back on his childhood and his experience with his little brother, Doodle. The author uses simile to foreshadow the ending of the story and to show the theme. One of the first examples of is when the protagonist’s parents decide on a name for their child, “They named him William Armstrong, which was like tying a big tail on a small kite,” (Hurst) The simile foreshadows the ending because it is exactly what happens in the ending. After the protagonist teaches his brother how to walk, he decides to train Doodle to fight, run, and swim. The protagonist’s pride ends up blinding him to his little brother’s failing health. Doodle ends up having nightmares, and he becomes sick. …show more content…

It is important to the theme because the protagonist’s pride puts too much on his small brother. Since the theme of the story is the dangers of pride and how it can go too far. The simile, putting a big tail on a small kite, can be shown as the protagonist pushing Doodle too far. Another simile in the story happens after the protagonist and his family find a dead scarlet ibis that fell from a tree, the protagonist says that, “Even death did not mar its grace, for it lay on the earth like a broken vase of red flowers” (Hurst) The simile that the author uses shows two motifs that are important to the story. One of the first of terms is nature. It shows how this Scarlet Ibis who driven many miles from its home ends up dying. This is like how in the end of the story, nature ends up separating the two brothers and killing Doodle in the process. Also, the quote touches on another element that is explored quit heavily in the story, death. The line like a broken vase of red flowers can be contributed to this. The color red can be attributed to blood, which in turn can be attributed to

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