
Summary Of The NovelThe Handmaid's Tale

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Margret Atwood’s novel "The Handmaid's Tale" is a dystopian novel based on the drastic reality of totalitarianism. Taking place in a new and improved America the government of Gilead strips less fortunate women of their freedom, to be subjected to make babies for the rich. With the use of literary devices such as symbolism, repetition and character development. Atwood is able to address important social challenges our society is facing today like feminism religious influence and forming your own identity.

The Republic of Gilead, although a prediction of the future resorts to old traditional measures to ensure the stability and well being of the country. Thought the first half of the novel Offered uses positive adjectives to describe her everyday life while still “[She] go out by the back door, into the garden, which is large and tidy; … tulips are opening their cups, spilling out colour. The tulips are red” (Atwood, 13) The beauty described throughout the first half of the novel implies a positive environment filled with love. In no way does the setting reflect the reality of a handmaids life which consists of neglect, abuse, and submission.This method of representing the setting allows the author to address the idea that if something seems great from the outside doesn't mean it is on the inside.

Margret Atwood used "The Handmaid's Tale" to make a statement regarding the future of women’s rights. The novel is set in an alternate future which resorts to old fashion

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