
The Handmaid's Tale Chapter Summaries

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The Handmaid’s Tale Margaret Atwood is the creator of this dystopian novel Handmaid’s Tale (1984). A World where men take control over everything and women leave their responsibilities and their lives behind. The real question is why create a novel like this? Margaret Atwood shows the reader a world where everything changes and women’s lives change too. “In the wake of the recent American election, fears and anxieties proliferate. Basic civil liberties are seen as endangered, along with many rights for women won over the past decades and indeed the past centuries…” (XVIII-XIX). In a society where men are, the ones who rule and women are just the caregivers and child bearers. Margaret Atwood makes a society that depicts the life of the storyteller, who in the book The Handmaid’s Tale the name is, Offred. Women used as objects, used for their ovaries and only having intimacy with the commanders. If not being able to have …show more content…

They treat women objects and belong to the commanders. “Some have deduced that Offred’s real name is June, since, of all names whispered among the Handmaids in the gymnasium/dormitory, June is the only one that never appears again” (XV). The main character talks about her life, her best friend Moira, how she was in love with a man who was married, and later left his wife to be with her. In chapter seven Offred says, “The night is mine, my own time, to do with it as I will, as long as I am quiet…” (37). Saying this is the only time they can think of when they were able to do anything. This shows how women are not able to do the things they used to they only have their memories. They had no privacy, intimacy with the commanders was only to get pregnant; the wives of the commanders had to be there every time. As the book continues, readers learn about the different types of punishments women suffer in this

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