
Summary Of Some Lessons From The Assembly Line

Decent Essays

In "Some Lessons From The Assembly Line", the author Andrew Braaksma, is identifying an alternative to higher education. His work at the factory teaches him that people grossly underestimate the value of their time and education. While doing this he is not dismissing the value that the assembly/production line and factory adds to the world but instead acknowledging the privilege of engaging in and getting the most out of a higher education.

In "Some Lessons From The Assembly Line", the author is acknowledging and I agree, there are different paths for everyone. He acknowledged in the writing the life lessons he learned in the factory are just as valuable as the lessons in his college classes. I agree with the statement, "As frustrating as the work can be, the most stressful thing about blue-collar life is knowing your job could disappear overnight." He is acknowledging the people that make their livelihoods and depend on the factory jobs are living with the threat that their jobs may not be there in the future. …show more content…

Until someone has worked in a factory it is hard to imagine the dedication it takes to get up early every morning and go to a job that you don't love. When you work on an assembly line you are working under time and quota restraints. The second section that stuck out was the hard work that factory workers perform, at times for long hours and is done for a much lower pay than what you would expect. If you are putting in 12 hour days it would seem that your paycheck should reflect

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