
Summary Of Social History Now By Paul Cartledge

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In Paul Cartledge’s article, What is Social History Now, the main focus is on the change of social history. Social history incompasses basically all other styles of history and starts as a “discrete social phenomena” and changes to “history of whole societies as integrated wholes”. Social history is one of the most broad forms of history which makes it very difficult to specifically define. War and politics are two big factors in social history as both can strongly determine the interpretation of a social situation. Cartledge uses an example of Hitler's “willing” executioners, where Rob Browning and Goldhagen disagree on the social reason for the systematic extermination of millions of Jews. The debate is whether the Nazi “willing” executioners killed because society forced it their nature with the rise of anti-semitism or if they did it out of fear of being punished. …show more content…

In the article is discusses the effects of voting in towns under five thousand in population when Napoleon announces that all small towns must elect themselves a mayor and deputy mayor. We are able to see the participation rate during this time compared to 1790, when during the first revolutionary vote around sixty percent of voter showed up, compared to the thirty percent in 1815. This social change is hard to track with the unreliable data, but is most likely in accordance to the general feeling of Napoleon. We can also see a social case in small towns where the percentage of voters was almost always higher, which is likely attributed to the greater social solidarity in small

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