
Summary Of Sam Walter Foss The Calf-Path

Satisfactory Essays

"The Calf-Path" by Sam Walter Foss is a poem that outlines a problem society has acquired throughout history; following others footsteps. This poem shows how being different can possibly lead to a change in society. Also, not only society, but in an everyday routine of humans. By not following society's habits, you can leave your own mark in history. By being different from the others, the calf shaped a new way of life. He took a different route and showed that there are other ways of accomplishing tasks in life. Although they may be more difficult and out of your comfort zone, there will always be a different way. Foss used this as an example because many humans take the easy way out of things and follow in others' footsteps. Following society’s way of life tends to be expected, which leads to the mysteries and surprises of venturing out and accomplishing things on your own. …show more content…

He carved a change in society that many lived by, by taking his trail and continuing the legacy of the calf. For hundreds of years humans and animals took the calf's path, turning it into a "renowned metropolis." Leaving your mark in society and history, all leads back to the step that we fear; being ourselves. Be a leader, not a follower and you will be successful in whatever you do. The young calf thought outside of the box and found a different way to complete his travel. The different route home may have been longer, but by finding something different from society’s standard, he made his mark and left a legacy of a young, primeval calf. The moral of society today is to do things the easiest and quickest way. In most cases,

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