
Summary Of Living On A Border: A Wound That Will Not Illegal

Good Essays

Rhetorical Analysis

As a kid from a suburb around Minneapolis, Minnesota it isn't very often you think about the borders. But as college student you must grow your boundaries and learn about new ideas. Something I never thought about before reading an article for my freshman composition class is having your culture be subjected and made out to be strange as well as looked down upon. In the essay “Living On The Border: A Wound That Will Not Heal” by Norma Cantu I got to understand how people on the border have exactly that happen to them daily. In this essay Norma Cantu writes about life on the border, and how it is a hard one, but the culture of the border is necessary to make America a more diverse and accepting place. Norma Cantu’s argument …show more content…

This example makes you feel bad for the people on the border and how they have to suffer though they are the ones who will further our culture as america since for forever this is the process. People of different cultures and countries come together and grind against one another to become one bigger culture that has multiple different dynamics to it. She then goes on to talk about what is going on in the everyday life of a citizen on the border. Cantu talks about a relative's pain leaving the border because she as a person was familiar with the culture and the people on the border were like her but the border itself held no jobs and the jobs that are available are well below the minimum wage and controlled by political machines. The schooling is also immensely worse than in other areas around the nation. The streets were not always paved either. As an adult who has to support a family these conditions are unlivable and are something you would never want to have happen to you. So going off that Cantu is obviously trying to make you feel …show more content…

To begin when talking about her relative that lived on the border but had to leave because of the living conditions on the border are so unbearable. She uses a tone that is a angry, sad, with a hint of being upset with phrases like “she speaks of her life away and her reasons for leaving with great pain” (61). Also “At least up north, in spite of discrimination, alien foods, and cold weather, there were jobs”(61) The combo of how the writer uses tone and style makes the reader understand the gravity of her story. With being able to connect to the story on a deeper level will make an effect that makes you feel similar to the point where you connect as a person to the story therefore you want to listen to her. The last use of style is during the ending paragraph where she uses a blend of emotion and assertion to give you a picture that she is talking to you person to person. She has gained your trust and is now talking to you frankly telling you that these people are in pain and are struggling everyday “This is our reality, and we especially we Chicanos and Chicanas, Negotiate in our daily lives” (62). But this is to be expected when you are in the clash of two types of worlds colliding. She goes on to say though they are treated as aliens and constantly are reminded that they are the otherness of the country what she calls “This in essence is the greatest

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