
Summary Of Jake's Short Story: The Vietnam War

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“SNIPER, GET DOWN”, yelled Jake Wills. Jake and his platoon where pinned down on the east side of the hill. They were deep in the Vietnam jungle and on a mission to claim the high ground. Jake is a sniper and he is trying to move his men up this hill so he can get into a good position to kill the enemy. Bullets were whizzing by their heads, you could feel the wind of a rounds in your hair. Jake told the radio man, Cory, to call in air support. Before Cory could even get the call in, his head was blown off by a 50cal round. Jake saw Cory’s helmet spinning on the ground and Jake filled with anger. To Jake it was his fault, but he had to keep fighting so he wouldn’t lose any more men. There was a pause in the fire fight and Jake took this time …show more content…

Jake was try to stop the bleeding in Jim’s leg by shoving dirt into the open wound. The ten enemies that were behind them had retreated far into the jungle and were no longer a threat. Jake grabbed Sam by the collar and brought him to his feet. Jake and Sam carried Jim five miles back to base camp were the doctors were there to help Jim. Once in Jim was getting help, Jake brought Sam over to the side to talk to him. Jake told Sam that because of his mistake Jim could die and that we must protect each other because we are brothers. Sam couldn’t even look at Jake without breaking down. Sam felt so unbelievably awful, ashamed, and embarrassed. He had let down his brothers because he was not mentally strong enough to handle war. All he cared about now was Jim and his recovery. The next morning Jake woke up and saw a group of his men on their knees outside of the medical tent. Jake ran over and rushed in side and saw Jim lying on the bed motionless. Jim’s wound had gotten infected and it spread to his bloodstream which killed him in his sleep. Sam rushed in and this officially broke him. Sam fell to his knees and not a sound came out of his mouth. He just looked at Jim and tears came out of his eyes like a river. For the next couple of hours Sam screamed and apologized at the foot of Jim’s bed. The time came when they had to take the body away. Sam went insane and was punching the men taking the body away. Once Jim was taken away Sam went into his bunk and stayed there for the rest of the day. Sam hated himself and couldn’t live with himself anymore. That night a gun shot rang out across the camp. Jake grabbed a knife and ran out of his bunk. Lying on the ground in the center of camp was Sam. He had shot himself in the head beneath a tree. Carved into the trunk of the tree was a sentence and it read, “I am forever sorry brother, I shall join you so I can never let you down again – Your comrade, Sam”. When Jake

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