
Summary Of Article Critique

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ARP Article Critique Template

Student Name: Julie Ann A. Matulin

Summary Section – Please answer the following prompts and questions based on the article you selected by typing your answers on this template.

1. Cite the article as it would appear on a reference page by following APA guidelines.
LaGasse, A. B. (2014). Effects of a music therapy group intervention on enhancing social skills in children with autism. Journal of Music Therapy, 51(3), 250-75. doi: 10.1093/jmt/thu012

2. Describe of the type of article. (Is it an empirical study, a qualitative review, a meta-analysis, a theoretical article, a case study, etc.?) Please provide an explanation.
This article, by LaGasse, is an empirical study. The abstract of the article …show more content…

Children in the MTG displayed an increase in joint attention with peers and eye gaze towards a person (LaGasse, 2014, p. 250). Although there was a significance in eye gaze and joint attention between children who received music therapy group intervention and children who received social skills training, there was no significant difference in the response and initiation to communicate and social withdrawals (LaGasse, 2014, p. 250). In addition, LaGasse (2014) found significate interaction between time and each group, for SRS and not ATEC (p. 250). These results support parent’s decision to encourage music therapy intervention as it provides improvements in a child’s overall social …show more content…

The author has provided a nice size list of references for support of this study.
The graphs implement the authors major findings.

The lead therapist for each group are well experienced. The lead therapist in the music group therapy is a Board-Certified Music Therapist with Neurological Music Therapy training; and he or she has previously worked with children in group settings (LaGasse, 2014, p. 259). The lead therapist in the social skills group is a certified educator in a school for children with ASD and has previous experience in leading a social skills group (LaGasse, 2014, p. 259). Thus, they both have worked in the “same facility, employing the same philosophy of treatment in ASD” (LaGasse, 2014, p. 259).

Workers were controlled. Support staffs didn’t prompt unless they were asked by the lead therapist.

3. What are the weaknesses of this article?
The author’s qualifications and authority is not given in the article; therefore, I am unaware of this person’s qualifications. Although, it is noted that he or she may be a professor or has association with the Colorado State

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