
Summary: Continuing Influence Of The Church

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The most important factor assuring the continuing importance of the Church in Western society between 1200 and the 1520s; is that the Church is the body of Christ, everyone who accepts that Jesus Christ died for their sins is a part of this Body. Believing in Jesus makes you apart of the body of Christ; anyone who accept Jesus in to their hearts is a part of the body. There are many parts of a body all doing their role to accomplish one goal even some parts that you didn’t even know about. As long as Jesus or God remains a part of this world, through History and Theology taught to the next generations the Church will continue. It will continue always with ups, downs and change.
All who accept Jesus died for their sins and accept him in to their …show more content…

Educating people about the History and Theology of religions, helps create a mutual understanding and acceptance for others; this is something people of this time did not receive. The ordinary people was taught racism. The ruling class made sure there was a deep imbedded racism toward other religions and different ideals, from their own idea of Christianity. Unwilling to accept, learn, or cooperate with others, lead to fights among the nobles. If the most influencing person in the world is the Pope, yet he is filled with nothing but racism toward others and greed it will cause war. This was the Case with Pope Urban II, who ordered the first crusade against the Muslims starting a Holy war that lasted a hundred and ninety-six years. Only forcing faithful Christians to lose the real meaning of Christianity while fighting, after losing all of the wars it severely weakened the …show more content…

Most of them would lute, the dead and stealing anything they always wanted; they would also do stuff only as self-pleasure such as becoming alcoholics or have sex with whomever they felt. People did this cause of lots of differing reasons but most did it out of anger toward God or felt depression seeing everyone they know die. Whole villages would go extinct, because the plagues would act so fast. Since no one had a cure for the plague, people stopped interacting with one another and started isolating themselves. This weakened the Church and was detrimental to how people viewed God at this

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