
Summary: Babysitter Frequently Asked Questions

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Babysitter Frequently Asked Questions
Q: How can I apply to be a BookBamini sitter?
A: Yes, you need to apply to be a BookBamini babysitter via our online application form or through our Facebook page. You will then go through our pre-screening process which includes an interview, nationwide criminal background check, reference check and qualification check. After you submit your application on our website, you will receive an email with further instructions on how to proceed.
Q: How do I get paid after each service?
A: You get paid directly by the families or parents you babysit for. However you will have to agree on a given rate with them in advance. Your rates should be visible on your profile, so families know what to expect before …show more content…

A: No. Babysitters are not allowed to contact parents or families directly to offer their services: and vice versa. Any request for a babysitter should be our company. Babysitter should please inform us immediately if a family tries to contacts you directly as it is against our company policy. Failure to do so will result in your BookBamini sitter’s account being closed.
Q: Can I edit my profile after applying?
A: Yes. To edit your profile, simply click your account link from your homepage. We always advise our babysitter to edit and update their profiles whenever there is a change in bio-data.
Q: How will I know when a family or parent has for requested me?
A: There are 2 means through which you can know when a family has requested you to babysit their kids. These are:
1. Through a message – you will receive a message or an inbox whenever you log into our site informing you that you have been requested to babysit by a family
2. By email. When a family places requests for you, an email will be sent to your registered mail to inform you of the request. Babysitter are strongly advised to make use of a functioning e-mail address when

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