Many view America as the best country in the world. There are so many different perspectives of life in America. This country is developed from the roots of many different cultures. This country is a place of freedom, opportunity, and hope. America is a place where everyone from different backgrounds unite as one, and help this land of freedom thrive. We are not White, Mexican, Native American, Asian, Black or whatever other race; we are Americans. Sadly, many Americans do not appreciate this country as much as they should. My vision for America is for every citizen in the United States to be more civilized by reducing the crime rate to numbers that won’t affect the country anymore. Racial issues need to stop because that intensifies crime. We …show more content…
Many people have no idea about this issue. We are lacking support and love for those who have fought for this country. We don’t recognize them and thank them for their service. They go through so much every single day and they need our attention to know we are thankful and need them in our lives. Veterans are committing suicide, due to traumatic disorders. They suffer mainly from Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), causing them to have flashbacks and nightmares from the horrible traumatic event. According to Veterans Today, twenty-two veterans take their life every single day! That number is unacceptable and needs to be eliminated. We need to help our veterans recover from any traumatic events they have experienced while in our service. Many people do not realize how much veterans need support. People are unaware and apathetic, so they do not care, and move on with their lives, but we need to make this issue known so people can help those brave men and women move on with their lives. It is the least we can do for them, because they put their lives at risk for us every day, defending our country, and making it possible for us to live the way we do,
Veteran suicide among our soldiers is a distressing and tragic reality. Per the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) a staggering 22 veterans take their own lives each day. That's a suicide every 65 minutes. This is a heartbreaking truth that has not adequately received the attention it deserves from the civilian world. To add insult to injury tells us that there are two key high-risk groups of soldiers who typically are ineligible for psychiatric care: those forced out of the military for misconduct and those who enlisted but were quickly discharged for other problems. In each of those groups, an average of 46 of every 100,000 former service members committed suicide each
Second, friends and family need to get their loved ones to a hospital and talking to someone who can professionally help them. Finally, the Veterans Affairs office must educate friends, family, employers, and institutions like colleges and community organizations, as to how best to recognize the signs and symptoms of suicide and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) so that they can get them help sooner rather than later. It is time to stop veteran suicides and to get people to understand that they are the first stepping stone to getting their loved ones the assistance they need. Friends, family, institutions and organizations must appreciate that they are capable of stopping their loved ones from committing suicide on account of the traumas inflicted upon them by military
Veterans make up seven percent of the American population, but they account for twenty percent of its suicides. Yes, that is indeed a real statistic, more importantly, what is the government, the people that ordered those men and women deliberately into harm’s way, doing about this tragedy. In light of recent conflicts the United States has been engaging in, such as the conflicts in the Middle East, a new silent killer of returning veterans, has become more visible to the public. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, also known as PTSD, has taken its toll recently on Veterans returning from the harsh
This is like a bomb waiting to go off: Family of veterans have to live with fear, hoping that their love one would recuperate, be happy, or simply a civilian again. The Veterans Affairs Department (VA) should put a better effort to better assist veterans, and their family with a better plan to reduce this preventable death. Many veterans find it difficult to admit, control, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), let alone reaching for help; when they do so, they are considered just another number at the VA. At any moment, a veteran?s sacrifice for this country should end
Socioeconomic Status affects suicide much the same way as other indicators. When a person who goes from one social level to another they don’t know how to behave or respond to the environment they belong. The wealthier a person is the more accepting they are of suicide because they typically have higher education and higher socioeconomic status (Tonooka 1999). Socioeconomic status affects can affect suicide. One study found that when someone is unemployed can lead to a seventy percent increase in death (Denny et al. 2009). Anomie from knowing how to pay bills and live can cause people to commit suicide when they get overwhelmed with bills especially when the family is affected. Males tend to commit suicide more than woman because they are expected to be the breadwinners, so when they continually fail they will seek ways to get out of the stress. The falling of life income (socioeconomic status) can lead to a rise in suicide. This again is caused by the uncertainty of what is to be expected of the individual with falling life income. The very old and young are affected most by this because they are in points in their life’s where the future is full of uncertainty (Marcotte 2003).
As the war is coming to an end, we find more and more veterans coming home from a violent and brutal war. The services military personnel are given after being discharge is not enough to help convert them back into civilian life. I can speak from personal experience as my husband had many difficulties adjusting back to normal life. He exhibits symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder as he was always hyperventilating and had nightmares when he slept. Many veterans are not given services directly until they actually request help. Getting assistance has become extremely difficult for veterans as the Veteran Affairs makes service members prove that their injuries occurred in the line of duty. This documentation is hard to provide because many service member are taught to not show weakness. This discourages them to go to “sick call” or see a medic while serving. Every time I pass by downtown Los Angeles I see a larger population of homeless people in the area. Homelessness among veteran is a problem that will continue to grow if we do not help these men and women that protected our country. Many of services members choose to self medicate because the system in place makes it so difficult for them to get help. We need to change the system and help these warriors get therapy to talk about the trauma they have witness and get them the medical help they
PTSD is a severe mental condition that several veterans are impacted by. These severe conditions cause these men and women who have experienced tragic episodes in their life to re-live that same horrific scene over and over again. Some cases in veterans result in suicide. Something can very well be done to help these veterans living with PTSD and lower the suicide numbers to keep our veterans living prosperous lives.
There is a common belief that many combat veterans are suffering; many from invisible wounds that affect them in many ways. The challenge that the VA and other government agencies face is determining which veterans need help, there are several factors that affect this, from the individual’s desire to accept help, to the stigma that most veterans have accepted, which is “if they ask for help, they are weak.” During separation from the military it is a critical time for all soldiers, this time provides an opportunity for the military, the VA and our government to intercede and work with men and women while they are still soldiers. Veteran suicide is an epidemic, the number of veterans taking their life daily has been steadily growing, the statistic published by the VA is that twenty-two veterans end their lives every day (Suicide Data Report, 2012); steps have been taken to curb this number but the efforts have been woefully inadequate.
accidents, and other diseases, but by their own hand. These people make the choice that
Thesis: While Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem, I believe That Suicide is wrong.
If you bring up the subject of suicide in a room of people, it is likely that the individuals will become quite, begin to become uncomfortable. Why is this? Is it because of the aspect of death? Is it the ways it is done? Society may say it is a wrong and selfish act, or that a person is not considering others and therefore it is erroneous. We live in a society where mental health problems are rampant, societal issues take over our daily lives and out everyday stresses impact our health, yet our understanding of the subject that is to be avoided and carries a stigma with it that affects the way people see those who have attempted or completed suicide. When deciding if suicide is an ethical or morally accepted action, we must take many factors into consideration. Some of these factors may include the culture and society in which we live and our knowledge of psychological and biological causes. With these factors in mind, we can then adopt our own personal philosophies on whether suicide is an ethical or moral act. While not all individuals are going to agree on a consensus, it is important to consider others opinions and be aware of them while discussing the subject, even if it is uncomfortable.
Have you ever known someone who’s committed or tried to commit suicide and thought, “I wish I would’ve done something, said something, to stop it from happening?” I know I would ask myself that question everyday if I hadn’t. A few years ago, a good friend of mine thought her life was so bad she wanted to end it. I did the only thing I could think, and told the nearest teacher. It may sound so childish or stupid, but it worked. Luckily, she’s still alive and well. I’m here to make sure you can make the difference and help a person who might be, or is suicidal. Just think of what would happen if you didn’t try to help.
Someone, somewhere, commits suicide every 18 minutes. You might never be able to tell who it will be, it could be the person sitting right next . Statistics reveal that approximately three million youths, between 12-18, have either thought about or attempted suicide in the past year. More than 1/3, actually succeeded.
Depression affects everyone's life at sometime or another. Depression comes in a wide variety of forms, from mild unhappiness to a chemical imbalance in the mind. There are many different symptoms that reveal a person's problem with depression. If left untreated, depression may continue to develop into a serious illness or even death.
Youth Suicide Introduction Suicide is a tragic event. It has a profound personal effect on all associated with the person who died. Families, friends and society as a whole are affected. There is a particular poignancy when the suicide is that of a young person at the threshold of life. Australia has the fifth highest suicide rate per 100 000 persons in the world.