
Suffragette Movie Essay

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I was given the opportunity to watch the movie Suffragette. The movie illustrated the struggle women endured while pursuing the right to vote. Lives of actual women who participated during the movement were illustrated in the film along with fictional characters. I used the full names of real life characters, and just the first name of fictional characters in this essay.
In watching the plot unfold I could not help but notice the social structures and emotions fall in to design. The characters covered realistically: nuclear families, role conflict, role distancing, dramaturgical analysis, social groups, deviance, crime, social stratification, government power and policy ending with altruistic suicide, and the impact of global village.
The opening sketch begins with a young woman named Maud who works in a laundry with her husband Sonny, the milieu is early 19th century Great Britain. Maud has worked in the laundry starting at a very young age. She has managed to work her way up to forewoman. Maud and Sonny have a child …show more content…

Next scene Maud becomes arrested, and Sonny warns her that he will not put up with much more of her deviant behavior. Maud has a second run in with the police and Sonny ejects her from the house, role distancing himself from her, and refusing her access to their only child. Sonny refuses to condone the social deviance Maud is taking part in. Maud experiences role strain and she flips out, attacking her employer when he makes yet another sexual advancement on her.
Conversely, Maud becomes a full-fledged Suffragette and actually starts to partake in crime. She has committed to her social group, and she is adopting their culture. She must now cultivate a new form of emotional management, she must not let her sentiments control her, she must control them. . Maud has a cause worth fighting for, and she finds her voice, acclimating

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