
Suffering in Egypt Due to an Abuse of Power

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Three years ago, the people of Egypt were suffering. The citizens were demanding the overthrow of their long-time president Hosni Mubarak by marching, rioting, participating in non-violent civil resistance, striking, and many other acts of protest. They greatly disliked their president for legal and political issues such as police brutality, state of emergency laws, lack of free elections and freedom of speech, corruption, economic issues including high unemployment, food price inflation, low wages and an abusive military. The police brutality was one of the worst problems. If caught protesting, civilians were almost always silenced by summoning them to a tribunal. They would then have an unfair trial and be sentenced to an unrealistic amount of time. Their police are breaking plenty of Human Rights Laws, and then lying about it. The Egyptian military was abusing its power. This supports the argument that power without accountability becomes corrupt. In order to achieve a revolution, as the Egyptian people were attempting to do, much protest is needed. However, the Egyptian military immediately suppressed the protesters in order to keep the movement at bay. Freedom of speech was practically eliminated from Egyptian society. In order to keep activists from speaking their mind over the Internet, bloggers were always at high risk to be summoned to tribunals. Online protester Maikel Nabil Sanad, 26, was found guilty of “insulting the military” and “disturbing public security”

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