
Subculture Of Fandom

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A subculture is a cultural group within a larger culture, often having beliefs or interests at variance with those of the larger culture. An example of a subculture would be one such as fandom can be seen as different. Fandom is characterized by individuals who are interested or feel as if they identify with certain characters or fictional worlds. Some, believe that fandom can be built around any shared interest. These fans have conventions and dress up as the characters (cosplaying). They form committees around a particular fandom.
The dominant culture is the most powerful social influence in which multiple cultures are present, this is the language, religion, values, and social customs. Fandom opposes dominant culture because it goes out of the norm. For many, dressing up as a character of a fictional world on a day that isn’t Halloween, is awkward. After all many are curious as to why would a grown adult dress up in spandex? The possibility that mainstream culture biases may have an influence on what people think about those that are involved in the subculture of fandom. …show more content…

Although, I personally do not know much about fandom I have heard that the judging and comments aren’t all true. In fact, fandom is currently coming together to support some of their favorite actors and actresses. There have been web pages set up to help those who are in need of medical, financial and emotional assistance throughout the fandom community. These individuals work together for a reason, no matter how tiny their separate impacts, the effect of the outcome is huge. Fandom brings together the old, the young and the weirdly obsessive. Despite the non-dominant cultural norm, I think that’s still an amazing thing to

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