DOI: 5/5/2000. Patient is a 34-year-old male employee who sustained a right shoulder injury while framing the column and wall fell on his shoulder. As per OMNI notes, the patient sustained a right shoulder injury. He underwent arthroscopic posterior and posteroinferior labral repair, subacromial decompression and distal clavicle resection of the right shoulder on 5/4/2015 and revision of the arthroscopic posterior and posteroinferior labral repair of the right shoulder with subacromial bursectomy on 11/02/15. Based on the medical report dated 11/11/15, the patient returns for post-operative visit. He feels better and is doing well. He still has a bit of soreness and stiffness, which is expected at this time. He has not started any formal
Physical Examination: General: The patient is an alert, oriented male appearing his stated age. He appears to be in moderate distress. Vital signs: blood pressure 132/78 and pulse 68 and regular. Temperature is 38.56 oC (101.4 oF). HEENT:Normocephalic, atraumatic. Pupils were equal, round, and reactive to light. Ears are clear. Throat is normal. Neck: The neck is supple with no carotid bruits. Lungs: The lungs are clear to auscultation and percussion. Heart: Regular rate and rhythm. Abdomen:Bowel sounds are normal. There is rebound tenderness with maximal discomfort on palpation in the right lower quadrant. Extremities: No clubbing, cyanosis, or edema.
Chweyah, dated 08/11/2017, indicated that the claimant presented for a follow-up visit after his discharge from the hospital on 08/08/2017. He was admitted on 08/04/2017 due to normocytic anemia, pain in both knees, starvation ketoacidosis, hypertension, gout with tophus, and duodenitis. The esophagogastroduodenoscopy revealed erythematous duodenopathy, erythematous mucosa in the antrum, and small hiatal hernia. He had a colonoscopy which revealed internal hemorrhoids. Objective findings showed blood pressure of 112/86 with a pulse of 105. He was diagnosed with quadriceps weakness, pain in both knees, normocytic anemia, type 2 diabetes mellitus, hypertension, stable chronic kidney disease stage III, and bilateral impacted cerumen. It was noted that he can return to work on 08/16/2017 with limitations of not standing for more than 10 minutes at a time for 1
On Exam: BP today was 140/86. Head and neck exam was all clear. She had no oral or nasal ulcers. She had no lymphadenopathy or bruits. Heart sounds were normal and the chest seemed clear, as did the abdominal exam. Musculoskeletal exam disclosed widespread Heberden's and Bouchard's nodes. She had no swelling or stress pain at the MCPs. She was not tender at the CMC joints. She had no swelling in the wrist, elbows or shoulders. She had no soft tissue tender points. She has bilateral knee crepitus but only slight instability and no effusions. She had actually good range of movement of both hips. She was tender in the lumber spine and has a scar at the lower lumbar spine from her previous operations. Her feet are somewhat flat with tenderness across the
The patient notes that the injury happen when he was lifting some metal trash trays into a trash bin when he felt a sharp pain in his shoulders. Treatment history notes that the treatment to date has consisted of medications. Of note, the MRI done showed a large full thickness tear with retraction of the tendon. Physical examination of the left shoulder revealed that the range of motion has forward flexion of 0-175 degrees, external rotation of 0-40 degrees, and internal rotation to T12. There is positive Hawkins’ and Neer’s sign for impingement. There is weakness with abduction testing. Treatment plan notes recommendation, surgical intervention in the form of a left shoulder, subacromial decompression, rotator cuff repair surgery as necessary. A follow up of 2 to 3 weeks if surgery is authorized. As per medical summary and work status dated 6/14/16, it was noted that the patient has not improved significantly and would be needing surgery. The patient’s return to work date is 6/14/16 with no lifting over 10 pounds and no overhead reach. Follow up to clinic date is on
DOI: 10/3/2013. Patient is a 51-year-old male bottling machine operator who sustained injury to his left knee when he hit it on an L-bracket after he stepped over a conveyor belt, missed a stool, and fell over. The patient underwent a left knee arthroscopy on 3/31/14.
Based on the progress report dated 09/12/16, the patient reports more frequent pain with activity since the last
A week after initial admission, the patient is on the medical surgical floor recovering from his transverse colostomy five days ago. At 1200 vital signs are as follows, temperature 99.1; pulse 96; respirations 18; blood pressure 141/69; pulse ox is 94% on 1L NC in AM. The patient appears acutely ill and lays in bed with his eyes closed even when family comes into the room to check on him. He is alert and oriented to person, but not place or situation. He appears lethargic and is slow to respond to questioning, this appears to be due to recent administration of pain medication. Pupils are equal round and reactive to light and grips are week bilaterally in hands. Abdomen is firm, distended, and non-tender. Colostomy site appears to be
01/19/16 Discharge note indicated that the patient was taken to OR on 01/14/16 and he underwent the surgical procedures. The procedure was tolerated well and there weer no immediate complications. Postoperatively, he was admitted for further monitoring, and recovered following the expected trajectory. By the day of discharge, the patient was tolerating PO and pain was well controlled. And thus was deemed stable for discharge. Start Aspirin,
Based on the latest medical report dated 10/6/16 by Dr. Simhaee, the patient has been having low back pain. The pain in his back is a constant ache with a burning sensation, which he rates an 8/10. The pain
Within 24 hours, the patient’s mental status improved and he was able to communicate, although he remained lethargic with slow and purposeful mentation. He was transferred to a regular nursing floor after 24 hours in the intensive care unit. He recovered appropriately from a surgical standpoint was discharged home four days following
Based on the progress report dated 10/12/16 by Dr. Kahmann, the patient presents for a postoperative
On examination, the patient was hot to the touch, and right upper quadrant was tender on palpation and abdomen was soft. The patient had dressings on her abdomen from the site of the surgery, but the appeared to be clean and did not have puss coming from
He was admitted to the ICU because he had surgery to redone his stoma He was intubated because of respiratory failure after his abdominal surgery. his condition is very critical because the fluid from his wound vac and colostomy is dark red and patient is in distress. He was on constant monitoring for a change in his
The examination was unchanged. The risks, benefits, limitations, and alternatives of operative and non-operative treatment were discussed. The patient decided to proceed with
Per progress report dated 11/5/15, patient is almost 4 weeks post left knee surgery. He is making progress but the physical therapist felt that he needs 12 visits more. He has enough Motrin and omeprazole. He was given a prescription of Tylenol #3.