In order to familiarize myself with my eating habits, I have analyzed my diet for seven days. By listing the ingredients in each food item, I have discovered that most of my meals are not nutritious. To understand my recommended daily nutrient needs, I used Canada’s Food Guide to assess my intake. I also listened to “Stuffed” Part One and Two, to help me identify some common dietary issues for Americans. The podcasts shed light on the causes of obesity. From this assignment, I have learned that it is essential to closely monitor what and in which amounts I eat in order to maintain my health.
What Issues from “Stuffed” Impact my Diet?
In 2015, the Canadian Broadcast Corporation (CBC) released a two part series called “Stuffed”. It identifies
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The podcast, “Stuffed”, states that eating is mindless. In other words, we tend to eat with our eyes not our stomach when it comes to multitasking. Combining eating with multitasking leads us to overeat because of two reasons: first, we do not pay attention to what to eat and secondly, we eat to the pace of what we are doing. I strongly agree that the environment in which I eat, affects my diet in terms of amount eaten. Majority of the meals I eat are in front of the television and the snacks I consume are during study sessions. Therefore, I am unaware of the amount of food I am consuming. As well, it also takes 20 minutes for your body to send signals to your brain saying that you are full. Unless I am in a social environment, such as a restaurant, I never take more than 20 minutes to finish meals (Eisen, 2015). I understand that the time period and the settings in which I eat, negatively impacts my eating …show more content…
According to “Stuffed”, low-fat snacks, such as yogurt, are only 11% lower in calories. Even though the fat is removed, it is replaced with more sugar additives (Eisen, 2015). This issue of low-fat snacks affects my daily diet mainly in the form of dairy products. I only drink skim milk and the yogurt I eat is also low-fat. After I analyzed the ingredients in my yogurt, I discovered that the concern in the podcast was correct; although it contains low-fat milk, there are sugar and high fructose corn syrup additives. I now realize that my attempts to eat healthy by choosing low-fat dairy products are ineffective, as they contain high amounts of various sugars and
Since we have been learning about nutrition in class, we are to record a food log for the next 7 days. Nutrition requires a well-balanced diet containing nutrient and vitamins like amino acids and fatty acids. over these next couple of days, I 'm going to be recording what I eat from April 10th through the 16th Doing this food log was really challenging because I don’t normally have such bad eating habit and it was troubling because I have never written about what I ate for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or additional meals. I found this food log useful but then again it was not because this week I attended a lot of different events that I knew would alter my
Healthy, unhealthy, good food, bad food, fat, skinny, diet, weight: all these words have been used to define what society views as the key to a balanced or unbalanced life. In the essay, Food for Thought: Resisting the Moralization of Eating, Mary Maxfield takes a look into the stigma of eating habits, health, and dieting in western society. Maxfield supports her claims by analyzing and refuting Michael Pollan’s essay, Escape from the Western Diet. Although it is common knowledge that many people struggle to understand what is essentially “healthy” and “unhealthy”, there are many experts in the field of nutrition that claim to have the key to a perfect diet. Maxfield ultimately disclaims these ideas by bringing to light information that
Proper nutrition is important in maintaining a long and healthy life. Most Americans are rushed due to their busy work schedules, and do not take the time to plan their diets properly. Like me, most Americans are unaware of the importance of eating a healthy diet and consume too many foods without the proper nutrients. Throughout my life I have been fortunate. I have not had any major health problems, and have been able to consume most foods without having to worry about gaining weight. These last two years, however, I started to gain weight and have become concerned with my diet. Changing my poor eating habits has been difficult for me, however, having this assignment has taught me that it is not as difficult as I previously
We all need food and water to live, don’t we? There are so many options: from a hamburger and soda, to pasta and a glass of water. The choices we make in our diet can boost your metabolism. People make poor choices for their diet every day. Continuing this lifestyle may cause them to become obese. The Fed Up documentary concludes many valid facts on how the rate of obesity is increasing, especially in terms of adolescents. Food industries are giving inadequate suggestions to assist in solving this problem.
As obesity and medical problems due to diet become a larger issue within society, it is imperative to educate humans on the importance of maintaining a healthy diet. This is exactly what Hungry for Change does. One of the key points made in the
Portion sizes in America have grown tremendously over the past decades, according to Erica Goode in her article “The Gorge-Yourself Environment”; I have researched her assertions and intend to demonstrate that she is right. People now tend to eat larger portion sizes instead of the recommended serving sizes. Numerous health concerns have become more common for people who overeat. With the entertainment industry in full swing, food advertisements have made their way into our homes making food look more enticing than what it truly is. Americans gave become oblivious to the amount of food that is on their plates.
The choices American’s make about their eating habits has drastically changed over time. Today America is an obese nation, because food is everywhere: at the grocery store, on billboard signs, or even at the hardware store. There are statistics that prove America is an obese nation, the public just has to go search for those. Many diets and experts have tips to give to help American’s and others lose weight. This is the point that Susan Brink and Elizabeth Querna are trying to get across in their article, “Eat this Now.” Within the article, the two go in to detail about how Americans eat all the time. Brink and Querna’s article really bring to light the problems that American’s have by showing how American’s eat to
I decided to analyze the heath documentary, Hungry for Change. There are two reasons why I chose this particular documentary, which are, my education and health, and my family’s health. Personally, I am very interested in nutrition, health, and overall well-being. It wasn’t until I was in high school that I began to make better food choices and do moderate exercises. Now that I am in college, where I’m forced to make my own food, I’ve grown to love cooking and eating with organic and whole food. While I am in college, where there is daily access to a gym, I have all the reasons to be healthy and fit. To be a little serious about my health decisions, I decided to take a Nutrition course this semester to enhance my understanding about the
In recent discussions of obesity, food, and health, a controversial issue has been whether what people consider being healthy or obese. People share their personal beliefs or experiences about being healthy and about what others need to do or eat to be healthy. On one hand, some people find ways to blame others about the unhealthy eating habits our society has, while other people think that we are responsible for our eating habits, and that we need to choose the healthiest way to eat.
Chapter five “Choosing a Nutritious Diet” After choosing one; the trick is sticking to it. In this chapter I learned about the importance of reading labels, the dangers of food additives and fast food. “The seven components of a healthy diet include carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, fiber and water” (Ajmera, 2015). These seven components are important in maintaining a healthy nutritional
America is a great country; with high emphasis on freedom, education, acceptance, and philanthropy, there is a strong basis to create a diverse, successful country. However, there is one aspect that America lacks: nutrition. The average American’s diets exceeds the recommended intake of solid fats and added sugars, refined grains, sodium, and saturated fats, and the average amount of calories consumed per American has increased approximately 600 calories per day. Clearly, America struggles to keep citizens’ diets nutritious. In fact, recent studies have projected that by 2030, half of all American adults will be obese (US Dept. of Health). At this rate, Americans will struggle
Just like we say “We are what we eat”, the role nutrition plays in our life is essential to determine our health status.Obesity can lead to other critical diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular problems or even cancer.Overweight is an issue that is increasing rapidly and it is being inherited by generations. More than just a social issue obesity is taking control of obese people's life by placing them under a category of American citizens who believe they are not capable to overcoming their weight. One of our perspectives on the topic is that obesity can be prevented if Making America healthy can inspire and teach Americans for a better nutrition. Many issues develop into huge problems because of the lack of information to solve them.Our solution is focused on providing free information and about a healthy diet along with effective practical solutions to every American willing to take the journey with us making no exceptions on race or social status. Other fact is that healthy food in general is more expensive and it takes time to be prepared. The American life is consider as being busy, Americans rarely spend time on their kitchens that is why many citizens lean towards greasy fast food most of the time of low prices due to the
Even before beginning this nutritional anthropology course, I have been interested in documenting my daily calorie intake so documenting my process was not out of the norm for me regarding this assignment. By doing this, I hope that by seeing that the nutritional balance of the food that I eat is not good for me, I will eventually switch to a healthier diet. Through this assignment, I will reflect on my consumption over a 3-day period, why I ate what I did and compare it to what we have learned throughout the duration of the course.
Today I would like to explain the need for better eating habits, the solution to the growing problem, and the benefits of healthy eating.
One of the biggest influences in our immediate eating environment which may affect how much we eat is the presence of other of people. Research has consistently shown that people eat greater quantities of food when in a group of friends or family compared to when they are alone (Klesges et al., 1984) and that these meals also last significantly longer (de Castro, 1994) no matter the time of day nor the meal being consumed. A somewhat obvious explanation for this is that people are enjoying the company of their friends and family which means that consumption increases due to an increased availability of food in the immediate environment for an extended period of time. People also self-monitor less effectively because they are distracted by the company and conversation of other people. This is supported by research which shows that when people eat a meal with strangers, self-monitoring