
3 Day Clorie Intake Essay

Decent Essays

Even before beginning this nutritional anthropology course, I have been interested in documenting my daily calorie intake so documenting my process was not out of the norm for me regarding this assignment. By doing this, I hope that by seeing that the nutritional balance of the food that I eat is not good for me, I will eventually switch to a healthier diet. Through this assignment, I will reflect on my consumption over a 3-day period, why I ate what I did and compare it to what we have learned throughout the duration of the course.
From the beginning, I have always been told the number of calories for women should be around 1500 calories. However, we learned that the recommended calorie intake for women is actually 2000 calories per day which makes my daily intake already quite a bit lower than what it should be:
Summary of 3-Day Calorie Intake Date: Calories: Exceeded recommended of: Water (cups)
Day 1 June 12, 2015 1155 kcal carbs, sugars, fat 5
Day 2 June 19, 2015 1085 kcal fat and sodium 4
Day 3 June 26, 2015 1265 kcal none 5

Having been corrected of this …show more content…

While I know that this is not good behavior and can lead to severe malnutrition on my part, being a student does not allow for a completely balanced diet. According to Richard Bender and Darna Dufour, this lack of a nutritional balance can lead to “a lack of sufficient dietary energy or nutrients leads to lower levels of physical activity, and to a decreased capacity to perform physical work” (p.331). Unfortunately, I can already feel the beginnings of my malnutrition affecting me outside of the classroom when I resort to taking naps between classes instead of eating. I have tried to change this by eating during the brief gap between my classes but sometimes I end up taking a nap immediately after eating

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