Even before beginning this nutritional anthropology course, I have been interested in documenting my daily calorie intake so documenting my process was not out of the norm for me regarding this assignment. By doing this, I hope that by seeing that the nutritional balance of the food that I eat is not good for me, I will eventually switch to a healthier diet. Through this assignment, I will reflect on my consumption over a 3-day period, why I ate what I did and compare it to what we have learned throughout the duration of the course.
From the beginning, I have always been told the number of calories for women should be around 1500 calories. However, we learned that the recommended calorie intake for women is actually 2000 calories per day which makes my daily intake already quite a bit lower than what it should be:
Summary of 3-Day Calorie Intake Date: Calories: Exceeded recommended of: Water (cups)
Day 1 June 12, 2015 1155 kcal carbs, sugars, fat 5
Day 2 June 19, 2015 1085 kcal fat and sodium 4
Day 3 June 26, 2015 1265 kcal none 5
Having been corrected of this
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While I know that this is not good behavior and can lead to severe malnutrition on my part, being a student does not allow for a completely balanced diet. According to Richard Bender and Darna Dufour, this lack of a nutritional balance can lead to “a lack of sufficient dietary energy or nutrients leads to lower levels of physical activity, and to a decreased capacity to perform physical work” (p.331). Unfortunately, I can already feel the beginnings of my malnutrition affecting me outside of the classroom when I resort to taking naps between classes instead of eating. I have tried to change this by eating during the brief gap between my classes but sometimes I end up taking a nap immediately after eating
1. Define Mineral: Any naturally occurring inorganic solid that possesses an orderly crystalline structure and can be represented by a chemical formula.
My actual intake is not what I expected it to be, I never thought I would be eating some of the foods that I am now eating because of this project. This project made me realize how poor my intake was from the first essay. I use to intake some of the unhealthiest food ever, I never realized how much harm I was doing to my body. Now, my intake is fair, I think I’m very much satisfied with the progress and changes I have made in my eating habits. Eating healthy is truly not that bad at all. I had to motivate myself to change my intake tremendously.
What happens if you eat too few carbohydrates? What happens if you eat too few lipids?
Agriculture has made it so food is extremely easy to retain. Current human diets and metabolism are extremely different from that of our ancestors. Sheau Yu Hsu, PhD, stated “These studies are fascinating
The Dietary Analysis helped me become more aware of me current health. Because I am on the go most of the time, I find it very easy to pick up something fast to eat rather than making a full healthy meal. It was until things assignment that i noticed I eat a lot of more calories than I thought I did. I learned that I eat a lot of protein. Sometimes I eat protein bars because I think they are healthy. Before taking this class I never really payed attention to food labels. I am now a lot more alter while checking food labels. Before this class I would often just get frozen vegetables and then add them to my meals. I learned that refined foods lose all the nutrients. While doing this study, I noticed that I eat a lot more fast food than I should. The more red meat i eat the higher the risk for chronic diseases. The delicious double burger, chocolate cake, vallina shake, greasy fries are all foods that will increase the risk for chronic disease. I learned that I can inmpove my health by counting my calories. I have made changed in my eating habits to try to watch my calorie intakes.Due to this study I am now able to know what to look for in food labels. I now know that too much food containing more than 10% sodium or cholesterol are probably not the best option to chosse from.
For this three day diet analysis project I wanted to eat as I normally would and be honest about all that I ate, to analyze not only what and how much I was eating, but also to see how healthy my diet really is. By doing so I can see if any of my diet choices are putting me at risk for certain health diseases, and what changes can be made to make my diet healthier. After analyzing my diet, I would say I am fairly healthy, though I am out of the target range in a few areas. My profile calculated from my weight and height indicates that I have a BMI of 20.5. This is considered to be healthy; the healthy range is anywhere between 18.5-25. This was reassuring to hear because I am happy at my current weight, and
My current caloric intakes, varies from day to day. On some days, I exceeded the DRI’s recommendations; however, my caloric intake most often fell below the recommended amounts. Both of these are important in maintaining a healthy body weight. Consuming too many calories can cause weight gain. In addition, consuming inadequate calories can have the same effect. Since calories are used as the main source of energy within the body, consuming too few calories can slow down the body’s metabolism, making it difficult to maintain a proper body weight.
Growing up I have always given my dad a hard time for his weight until about four years ago when he pulled out his wedding tux and I tried it on and could not fit in it. I am currently six foot four inches and weight approximately one hundred and fifty pounds so you can share my amazement when I found out that I couldn’t fit into my two hundred and fifty pound father’s tux. My dad got married when he was twenty two and I just turned twenty two, so I believe that it is about time to start being more a wear of what I eat. Being that I am currently underweight, I haven’t had to discipline myself when it comes to eating too much. My
I have learned a lot from this two-day diet analysis assignment. In my two day assessment, I recorded my food intake, quantities, drinks, snacks, condiments, where and who I was with during the meal, the time of day, and the amount of time I spent eating. I was able to analyze my diet to examine what I was eating and what types of nutrients I was getting. I then compared all aspects with my recommended levels of nutrients for my dietary recommended intake. I learned that my eating habits are not the best and could lead to serious health problems in the future that may be detrimental.
During this week, I Edgar Burgos had to conduct a food intake for 3 consecutive days. This paper will describe my nutritional endeavor for the past three days. I will provide different aspects of my nutritional needs and an in depth analysis on how proteins fats carbohydrates and fiber take part in my everyday diet and what are these functions. This is intended to broaden my views of a healthy lifestyle, and how to achieve it through a variety of food groups.
According to my three day diet analysis it seems like my eating habits are poor. Not necessarily that I am consuming too many bad foods but I am not getting the all around nutrients that I need on a daily basis. Sometimes not eating enough. Or ot finding time to eat at all is a big issue in this. Due to my job and the lack of time I have at home it is hard for me to get the nutrients I need on a daily basis. With the target that is shown of six oz. of grains two and a half cups of vegetables, two cups of fruits, two cups of dairy and five and a half oz. of protein foods I fell short in most of the areas that were targeted for me. My biggest two areas of consumption was refined grains and protein.
Since we have been learning about nutrition in class, our task was to record a food log. Nutrition requires a well-balanced diet containing nutrient and vitamins like amino acids and fatty acids. Over the past seven days I have been recording and have been looking very carefully at my intake of nutrients, minerals, vitamins, and fats. In our task, the objective was to record the basic foods we ate during the period of seven, but it did not require recording every single detail or our intake of food. Doing this food log was a pain and it was disturbing because I never wrote about what I ate like breakfast, lunch, dinner, or additional meals. I found this food log useful because it helped me learn what I
The purpose of a nutritional assessment is to analyze what one has been consuming, as well as the dietary nutrients contained in the food. For the past seven days, I have kept a dietary record documenting the different foods, drinks and medications that I have consumed. In this paper I will discuss body mass index or BMI, the analyzation of the foods consumed, the reason behind the quantity of the foods eaten, the strengths and weaknesses in my food intake, my physical and emotional feelings, medical conditions, cultural influence, diet plan, and goals along with implementation strategies to reach the goal.
As I reflect upon my life, I noticed that I participate in numerous amounts of activities that help me to enjoy being the young lady that I am. I enjoy hanging with my friends while shopping and relaxing. However, a big important part of my life now is eating, something I find pleasure in doing. Eating is fun and educational, but should be done in a smart way. Being smart and understanding what to eat is a great part of understanding your nutrition intake. While doing the Diet Analysis, I was able to interpret and inspect my diet to see where and what I was lacking. I was able to examine the different foods I was eating, its nutrients I was consuming, and the lack of physical movement I was participating in over a period of six days.
By letting students eat in class they will become more focused and energetic. The main reason they would be tired is because they probably didn't eat breakfast, or at least not a healthy one. If they have a snack during class, they will not be annoying and talk, they will most likely be quiet and concentrate on the lesson. Some teachers will enforce rules on no eating in the classroom because it will become a