
Strong Leaders Research Paper

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The source above supports states being ruled by a strong leader. States that are ruled by a strong leader are most often exemplified in authoritarian states. Examples of such rulers are Adolf Hitler, and Joseph Stalin. Authoritarian governments, in most cases lead to strong leaders who only take into account their own interests. Strong leaders often require the use of propaganda, screening or the media, scapegoats, and secret police to win over the will of the people. Strong leaders do not represent their people, but rather they tend to force their citizens to support them. It has been repeatedly proven that stability of a state is ripped apart by the harsh rule of a strong leader. In this source, it is making the point that authoritarian …show more content…

Adolf Hitler came into power because at that time Germany was in deep debt due to the reparation payments from World War I and the Great Depression taking place in the 1930s. Germany was desperate for change and they needed a strong leader to help them through these rough times. Therefore, Hitler being exactly that, became the leader of the country. However, Hitler did not serve the common good of the people. He used his power to implement his own interests and directed the Germans discontent towards the Jews, and disabled by using them as scapegoats. Hitler caused so much chaos and disaster, that it became clear that he had no interests in representing the people. Hitler was trying to create a "perfect" race called the Aryan race. Creating an Aryan race was far from serving the common good of the people. However, Hitler also put in place secret police so that anyone who disagreed with him would be arrested. Those arrested would then be either killed or put in concentration camps. Hitler had no regard towards civil liberties, and therefore, there was not stability in Germany at that time. Hitler was also a strong leader, yet, he was not concerned about the common good of

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