
How Did Hitler Come To Power

Decent Essays

Nicholas Cooper
English PRE AP Scott B-8
Paperless research paper
April 19, 2015
Hitler and His Rise to Power
During World War II wars were raging between the Nazi regime and those who dared to stand against them. Leader of the Nazi Party, Adolf Hitler, was a vicious man and sought to rid of all the ethnic groups he found unworthy. He prefered a specific type of people that were blonde haired and blue eyed. He had many abilities and one of them was his speaking ability which quickly grasped the eyes of those who are citizens of Germany, therefore he gained many followers very quickly. He also had many astounding leading abilities which is why he was able to take control so quickly, but the way he put his power to use was devastating to millions of families, especially those of the jewish race. Many wonder how Hitler was able to come to power so quickly, and how he had the resources to follow through with all his expensive plans. Hitler found the money he needed from the “support of wealthy businessmen” (“Hitlers Rise to Power” 2). Another way he …show more content…

Being able to win over the people and gain direct control over Germany and its people shows that Hitler fit the job of a dictator which was much needed during this time in Germany. Germany and its citizens had just suffered a horrible loss in World War I. Most human beings when put through a loss look for something or someone to blame. Hitler, being enraged at the loss, took his anger out towards the Jews. He saw the Jews as the cause of the political downfall in Germany. Jews often owned very small businesses, such as, wrist watch stores, shoe stores, and little bakeries. These small stores began to multiply around Germany and Hitler saw that more and more Germans were unemployed due to the lack of business. Many small stores made it hard to have a large income to the government which made the country itself economically

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