
Strengths And Weaknesses Of My Writing

Satisfactory Essays

For any common writer, understanding your strengths and weaknesses plays a huge role in the outcome of your papers. Presenting your strengths in writing can help your readers smoothly go over what you wrote and actually enjoy it. Exploiting your weaknesses can create a hard time for your readers to follow your writing. To stay in a common ground you must first figure out your strengths and weaknesses. Most writers usually do this by writing on a regular basis to determine what they strive in and what they struggle with. In this paper, I will go over my strengths and weaknesses that come with writing and how I plan to create a common ground between them to thusly better my writing. Being able to understand the prompt/topic given has always been a strength of mine. I tend to embrace this specific strength because without focus on a given topic or prompt: diction and minute details that can be added will be irrelevant. In high school we were constantly given common assessments that required us to write about a single broad topic, I think those common assessments have allowed me to dig into the prompt and find ways to keep the paper inline and focused. I will always feel the need to continue developing this trait because it is a major part to persuasive and stronger writing. …show more content…

I’ve always had issues with understanding grammatical structure; high school English was no help either. My high school English classes only consisted of readings and short reflections; we never really touched base on the common writing errors that we may face. Although my errors may be subtle, these GUM issues still occur. My writing would be much smoother if I totally understood/followed correct punctuation and sentence structure. My need for this weakness to develop into a strength is at a high importance because I want my readers to clearly read my writing without wasting time critiquing my

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