
Strategic International Marketing Plan for Exporting Bottled Water to China.

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TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. INTRODUCTION...................................................................................................2 2. THE CHINESE CONSUMER................................................................................2 3. PRODUCT CHARACTERISTICS.........................................................................3 4. CURRENT ENVIRONMENT................................................................................3 4.1 SOCIO-CULTURAL.......................................................................................3 5. ENTRY STRATEGY..............................................................................................6 5.1 PRODUCT …show more content…

The Chinese already buy more cars than people in other countries: 13.5 million last year, compared to 11.6 million of Americans. China is on track to become the largest market for luxury goods. The U.S. firm Kurt Salmon Associates took almost six months to complete the first large radiograph after the Chinese retail market opening to foreign competition. Nearly two thousand people were interviewed in five different cities. The surprise was that the Chinese consumer today look for quality first over the price in the proportion of five to three, that is in ten respondents five of them said that the most important of choice was the quality of the product while only three appreciated price , contrary to the expectation that the majority preferred the cheaper items. This showed that the Chinese consumer already has a sufficient purchasing power to acquire more sophisticated consumption habits, how to choose products with more durability, reliability and return on investment. China is a country of ancient culture with customs and values considered exotic for us Westerners. The Chinese write vertically and read back forward. The colour and the numbers for the Chinese all have a symbology for example, in China white is considered the colour of mourning, it is not recommended to use yellow clothes, because the colour symbolizes sex, and number four sounds like death and should be avoided. Already cooking

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