
Strategic Effect Of The Community's Work Force And Improve The Negative Perception Of People Suffering From Mental Illness

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Strategic Effect
By increasing the access within the community, educating the community, and offering a wide range of services for the community; this will enhance the community’s work force and improve the negative perception of people suffering from mental illness within the work force. There are stigmas and discrimination against people that suffer from mental illness which is hindering and creating additional obstacles for this group of individuals (NAMI, 2013). By contracting with insurance companies, employers and developing a strong marketing and advertising technique, more people will be made aware that most people in their lives have suffered from one or more incidents of mental illness. People will become more understanding …show more content…

Even though the organization will be catering to patients on a one to one basis, the organization will also be providing group treatment options for counseling, support groups, education forums related to certain mental conditions, medication management, lifestyle changes, and life management. The corporation will develop a strong internet presence focused on mental illness and awareness and a strong community presence.
The estimated impact from the ACA is to “reduce the fiscal and psychological barriers to mental healthcare services” (SAMHSA, 2015). The ACA offers additional reimbursement policies to expand utilization and added protection for individuals with mental illness. The ACA also created integrated care models to help PCP offices and psychiatrist offices manage patients, with their illnesses and chronic diseases (SAMHSA, 2015). Prior to the ACA, 54% of people were estimated to be left untreated and yet the costs of mental health have risen.
Market Analysis Apart from evaluating feasibility, the market is flooded with potential clients with an estimated value of 24 thousands annual visits on established patients. There is a strong need for a new location in the Orange City, Fl. central area. Again, these figures were calculated based on city data censes information gathered and divided evenly based on 50% of the population suffering from one or more

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