
Still I Rise

Decent Essays

The battle of self-love vs. finding one’s true purpose in life

A Study of Maya Angelou’s

“Still I rise” and “I know why the caged bird sings”

The purpose of this essay is to examine the theme of immense self-love versus finding one's true purpose in life and accepting who one was meant to be despite all obstacles. In Maya Angelou’s “Still I Rise” and “I know why the caged bird sings” the reader can debate the two through the use of emotion and metaphor choice. In “Still I rise” the reader can observe similarities in Angelou’s words to describe self-acceptance and self-satisfaction. In “I know why the caged bird sings” readers can relate to the struggle of finding one’s true purpose and battling how others see them aside from who they …show more content…

Angelou writes “You may write me down in history with your bitter, twisted lies, You may trod me in the very dirt but still, like dust, I’ll rise” this quote is exclaiming to readers that people in this world are entitled to saying whatever they want about you to your face and to other people, but none of it matters because through all adversity you are strong and sturdy in who you are and and the values that represent you. People are going to talk about those who they fear and/or those who possess something they wish they had within themselves. Knowing that you are strong and determined to succeed must make you ignore the thoughts and opinions of those who do not matter and you must show them by rising and getting up each day even more tenacious than …show more content…

As stated in stanza 4 “Did you want to see me broken? Bowed head and lowered eyes? Shoulders falling down like teardrops, weakened by my soulful cries?” Angelou is relating with readers by letting them know that it is not always easy to be strong. Angelou explains how those who were against her were expecting to see her low and doing poorly as the bird in “I know why the caged bird sings” was. Instead of giving them the power over her she rose stronger than she was when she was initially knocked down. What Angelou wants the reader to take from this stanza is that although you may not spring back automatically from a let down; do not allow the negative person or situation to see you failing or see that the negative situation is affecting you. By showing them that weakness you have handed that person or situation the winning strength that lies within

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