
Maya Angelou

Decent Essays

When I first read this poem, I was overwhelmed with conflicting emotions. Maya Angelou depicts herself as a fighter that will never give up, no matter the circumstances. She has obviously faced some difficult situations in her life that should have stopped her but she continues to triumph in the face of adversity. In this way, I am inspired to continue pursuing my goals. I also felt discouraged and disgusted, mostly because of the types of obstacles that are described in this poem. It is symbolizes the obstacles that many African Americans faced in the past as a result of the abolition of slavery, racism and inequality. The discouraging part of this poem is that some of these very inequalities and injustices still go on today. So, while this poem illustrates strength, …show more content…

This officially abolished slavery in the United States. African Americans were considered free, but they really weren’t free. They weren’t free from racism, violence, oppression or discrimination. They were often on the receiving end of inequality, prejudice and victims of hate crimes. In the 1950’s, the Civil Rights Movement, in America, began and it peaked in the 1960’s. Civil Rights leaders continued to fight against racism by demonstrating acts of civil disobedience such as organized, nonviolent sit-ins and Freedom Rides. They challenged segregation laws in the South and drew national awareness to the injustice of discrimination. In 1964, the Civil Rights Act was signed. This Act outlawed discrimination based on race, religion, sex, or nationality. Although this act was signed, fight for equal rights did not end here. In fact, it remains a significant part of larger social and political discussions today. (MindEdge, 2014) Maya Angelou wrote this poem 113 years after the abolition of slavery, and 14 years after the civil Rights Act was signed, but the fight was not over. Racism still existed, it just manifested in different

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