
Stereotypical Images Of Mexican Americans And Black Americans

Decent Essays

Stereotypical Images of Mexican Americans and Black Americans in the contemporary media?
Angel Garcia
Bakersfield College

In today’s society judging races and ethnic groups have left stereotypical images on them. Stereotypical images are seen all over, even in contemporary media. Hispanic Americans and Black Americans are two ethnic groups that I’ve recognized on having that stereotypical image in the contemporary media. Hispanic Americans and Black Americans are left with harm because of these stereotypes that have been shown in the contemporary media, for example in the television shows George Lopez and Everybody Hates Chris. It seems to be that stereotypes are being less focused on or just being allowed because of the humor they bring out in those television shows.
Hispanic Americans are often stereotyped in today’s society. Stereotypes that are said about Hispanic Americans include: The lazy Mexican, the Greaser, drug dealers, and gang bangers. These Stereotypes leave an image on all the Mexican Americans as being bad people. The media has been playing a big part in showing stereotypes but we tend to ignore them because they use it in a way were comedy is being introduced. For example, the television show George Lopez involves a Mexican American family going through their daily routines in the city of Los Angeles, where the majority of the population are Hispanics. In the George Lopez show, George Lopez plays the father role and every night when he gets

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