
Stereotypes Of Women In Society

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Society, Leadership, and Stereotypes In ancient society, women were caregivers. They were to marry at the age of 14, and care for their husband and children. Women were told to act a certain way, watch what they eat, never talk back to men, and be a lady. You would think that opinions would change and people of the modern society would look at women as equally as men. However, it is almost a nature of all living things to look to men for leadership and women for dinner and clean laundry. I think it’s unfair how gender specific stereotypes play such a massive part in our lives. Boys are always raised to be leaders and business owners, while girls are raised to be proper ladies; only for the purpose of marriage.
“ Don’t judge a person on their looks, it’s what’s on the inside that matters,” everyone has heard …show more content…

However, there is always that small voice of consciousness in our heads to favor the ones that are better looking. Models are people that companies use to endorse their products. They are tall, fit, and beautiful. Companies would certainly not hire a unattractive, clumsy, and rather bluntly, fat person to represent a product or service. It is always nature for animals to favor the more attractive individuals. I find it amusing that in the animal world, males are born with fascinating furs and feathers to impress the females. On the other hand, women spend hours and hours making themselves “presentable” to men. This is because society holds a standard for women so high that no one can reach it. Women hide behind a mask of cosmetics simply because it make them feel beautiful and confident. Why can’t you feel confident in your own skin? Why do social media promote thin figures, tanned skin, and long hair when

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