
Gender Stereotypes And Its Effect On Society

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Zac Galifianakis once stated, “Welcome to our society. You will be judged on what you wear, your taste in music, what you look like, and how you act. Enjoy your stay.” Today’s society lives under optimum power, commonly known as a democracy. Actually, humanity has so much power that it is able to manipulate people’s behavior and perception in life. Unfortunately, society expects a certain behavior from everyone. For example, men are expected to go to work and bring wealth to the family while women stay at home to nurture their children. In a sense, men are expected to demonstrate power and women are often expected to depend on men. The role of each gender is generalized such that it is based on the gender stereotypes society utilizes. For example, a man’s masculinity is at jeopardy if he stays at home to take care of the children while the woman works numerous hours. Ultimately, there are several gender stereotypes that are dangerous because it limits the way men and women express their true identity; thus negatively affecting both genders emotionally and physically.
“Be a man!” “Men don’t cry!” From a very young age, men are constantly exposed to stereotypical phrases or words. In toady’s society, men are perceived as a powerful living creature that has dominance over everything. Based on personal observations, many parents who have male children are constantly emphasizing that being a man means acquiring power and none emotional. Nevertheless, when it comes to classifying

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