
Stereotypes In Films

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In today’s films, perceptions of women haven’t changed much. Nancy Signorielli has a case study that looked at popular films today and how young girls are portrayed in them. Signorieilli coded the top 25 films for girls 12-17 in 1995 to look for traits that the characters were portraying and the situations they were in. She found from her study that girls in these films were 20-30% more likely to be talking about romance, doing gender stereotyped chores, dating, talking about friends and clothes, on the phone, grooming, talking about the opposite sex, in class, shopping and working out. The men in these movies are 25% more likely to be working. In addition to looking at what these characters are doing, they also looked at the type of behavior they exhibit during the films. From the study they found that girls were 10-20% more likely to be honest, crying or whining, flirting, compromising, follow intuition, and be seductive as Signorielli found in her research. From this they found that the men were more intelligent, more threatening and intimidating, more hardworking, more risk taking, and use physical force more. From this study it can be seen that these negative perceptions of women are still similar to the period of …show more content…

I chose to draw inspiration from these films because they all portray different stereotypes of girls in all of them. I chose films that were focused on teenagers because I felt that the age group is one I know well because I myself am part of it. I believe it’s important to be able to focus on stereotypes of girls that impact my life and age group because not only is it something that I can connect to, but it is an important message for students who will view this

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