
Seductive Women In Disney Movies Essay

Decent Essays


In today's Society many films are portraying female characters as objects of the male gaze. These influences in movies, such as the Disney films, are hard to miss. The representations can be categorised into 3 main forms of female objectification. The image of the 'seductive female', the value on 'beauty over brains' and the 'domestic woman' stereotype. Forms of objectification, such as the ones listed above, have very strong influences on our children and younger generations and may form their behaviour and attitudes towards women as they grow older.

The image of the 'Seductive Female' is portrayed in nearly every movie we watch. Even Disney movies, in all their innocence, feed images of over sexualised women to children. Through this network of films and movies children are shown a completely unrealistic view of what femininity is. Females are overly sexualised with thin waists, large breasts and long eyelashes. This image of a Seductive Female is damaging to young boys as they portray women very differently and young girls attempt to base their behaviour and attitudes towards those they see on screen. In a way these highly sexualised women become role models for the younger girls to replicate their actions on. If a woman does not fit into these stereotypes, she is …show more content…

The female gender is ridiculed for being intelligent and more value is placed on appearance rather than intellect. This image is portrayed in the film, beauty and the beats. The film is depicted as a children's movie however carries very serious underlying tones of discrimination against intellect and even domestic violence towards women. The main character, Belle is often laughed at and shunned in society because she likes to read books and is very smart. As children females are taught to take advantage over men and use their bodies to get their way, rather than logic and

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