
Stephen King Why We Crave Horror Movies Summary

Decent Essays

Horror Movies: An Outlet for Insanity We are all insane. Thus, man is evil. Stephen King declares this belief in his essay “Why We Crave Horror Movies”, adding his opinion to the extensive debate on the nature of humankind. Those who believe man is evil are also unable to deny their own corruption. Therefore, in order to move on from this distress, they come to accept this apparently inevitable characteristic of humanity. As long as they confine their hidden desires with seemingly ordinary activities, such as watching horror movies, the frontier that distinguishes what society deems as acceptable will remain uncrossed. In fact, King himself has gained tremendous success by taking advantage of the enjoyment he receives from horror stories and creating a career out of it; he became successful by indulging in his corrupt fantasies. However, I disagree with King. I do not believe that man is purely evil as insanity is too subjective to be an appropriate …show more content…

He believes everyone is insane, making sanity only “a matter of degree” (Paragraph 8). In society, identifying what stands out, what is too unique, is an easy task. Those who are extremely different from the majority’s norms and values cannot be welcomed into society; instead, they are isolated in asylums and prisons. On the other hand, the boundaries of sanity is not as clear. We do not identify those who fit well into society as “extremely normal”. If we are asked to define what normal is, we reply with synonyms, base the definition off of abnormality, or identify the ordinary as something widely accepted. However, if an insane person is surrounded by other mentally ill individuals, is he/she no longer insane? This issue then becomes an example of philosophical thought experiments, similar to the question: If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there, does it still make a

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