In my opinion, the function of an organization such as the National Honor Society is to have a group of students, who volunteer and excel at academics; join them together to make the community a better place. The National Honor Society and its members are people who put aside time to involve themselves in the community. This elite organization expects their participants to maintain high grades, volunteer, and involve themselves in other activities. If I am chosen to be apart this organization I would contribute in National Honor Society by helping our school, and community. To help bring Rockford High Schools students closer, I am thinking that we can hold more assemblies to keep my peers up to date and have some fun. Also, if I am selected
All leadership qualities such as scholarship, character, citizenship, leadership itself, and service should be exemplified as an NJHS member at Claughton Middle School! However, one quality that attracts my attention the most is "leadership". This outstanding quality drove me to believe that "leadership" should symbolize our school's organization, National Junior Honor Society.
I see the function of an organization such as the National Honor Society as one that is valuable to the community and also to society as a whole - an institution where student members are recognized and valued for their outstanding academic performance and love for giving unconditional service to the community and also an institution where those students go out and give service to the community. I also see the function of NHS as a good name to put on a high school resume and college applications. Universities love students who are well-rounded and NHS is a source for those type of students.
I want to be a member of the National Junior Honor Society because it comes with many opportunities. It also is a huge honor to even be invited to join the National Junior Honor Society. The NJHS is such an amazing program with students all over the nation.
I want to be a member of National Honor Society because I believe it will provide me with more opportunities to help out in the community. I will use the honor of being a member of NHS to set an example for the younger generation of Storm Lake, starting with my four younger siblings. I hope to add to the character of Storm Lake by being a positive influence on those around me. Volunteering in the community will allow me to gain skills that I will use throughout high school and into the rest of my life. I hope that you consider adding to the National Honor Society roster as I truly believe I can do great things for the Storm Lake community.
Throughout high school, being a member of National Honor Society has benefitted me in ways that have bettered me as a student and as a person. As a member of this organization, I have had many qualities instilled within myself that I will carry throughout my entire life. The four pillars of National Honor Society: Scholarship, Leadership, Character, and Service have been brought to me through this organization, and without them I would not be who I am today.
I want to provide a positive attitude that can help improve the National Honor Society. It might seem like something simple and worthless to some, but to me having a positive attitude in the face of adversity makes me a stronger person. Unlike others whom can provide incredible ideas or stupendous promises, the only thing that I truly offer to NHS is that I would work hard no matter what in order to help the Cardinal Hayes community grow. I'll become a team player that can understand what it takes to properly accomplish goals that the team aims for, when others are looking at the horrible things at the present moment I wanna be the person that anyone can rely on. My personal desire is to help the organization overcome obstacles and to be able
I am genuinely honored to be one of the few students considered for acceptance to the State College Area High School chapter of the National Honor Society. I feel that my hard work and dedication in academics is beginning to show through. Throughout my life, I have shown drive and devotion for everything in which I have been involved, ranging from athletics to academics. My mentality has always been focused on helping others. For this reason, I aspire to become an orthopedic surgeon so that my career will evolve around helping others to get the most out of their lives. My summer will be spent volunteering at Phoenix Rehab for fourteen hours each week as it will allow me to begin providing care to the community. Currently holding an unweighted
National Honor Society has been one of my top goals since my freshman year. When I found out that I could submit more information I was so ecstatic. I have wanted to be in National Honor Society for a long time because it will help me develop qualities and experiences that will last me a lifetime. A major quality and pillar of National Honor Society is leadership. Leadership to me equals sacrifices. People who sacrifice their time even when they don’t really have the time to sacrifice are good leaders in my opinion. I want to strive to be a good leader and apply leadership into National Honor Society.
I have demonstrated leadership in a several different ways. During middle school, I was a member of the National Junior Honor Society. In fact, I gave up a majority of my study halls to help out the advisor. I am currently a captain of my fall sport. Because I hold this position, I help the underclassmen during games, encourage them, and resolve conflicts. In addition to that, I used to be a teacher’s assistant to a second grade religious education class. Next year, I plan to join student government and maintain leadership positions.
When I was 11, I saw my sister walk across the stage in the Go-Hawk Gymnasium. I remembered the tassels she wore, and how only some of graduates had them on. At the time, I didn't know what they meant or how to achieve them, but I knew that was a goal I wanted to strive for. Looking back at my life as a Go-Hawk, my leadership, my volunteer work, and my success in the classroom has culminated to the opportunity to be apart of something that I only dreamed of growing up.
The function of an organization such as National Honor Society is to train the youth of today on how to be the leaders of tomorrow. I believe that the best way for anyone to learn is by example, and to serve others. National Honor Society is an organization based on leadership. Whether a leader in a family, a business, a school, or even a public service position, the best way to lead, is to be an example to others. I believe that serving others is one of the most important and lacking parts of society and the world that we live in today.
Being nominated for the National Honor Society is a great honor itself. It has shown that I have worked very hard in school and stand out from my peers. In the past years, I strived to do more than just get good grades. Not only do I have a weighted 4.1 GPA, but I also am involved in Speech and Debate, PJAS, DECA, and tennis. I have also won awards in those activities such as the scholar athlete award and placed 4th in DECA, and 1st at PJAS regionals. I have taken rigorous classes, and plan on continuing this in the future. I have also held leadership roles. After school, I have helped many peers that struggle with math. I also volunteer in the community. I have volunteered in many events at Asbury Woods Nature Center. I also help
I will help them by maintaining the great reputation of all National Honor Society students, by keeping a good attitude toward volunteering. By benefiting the National Honor Society, I will also be benefitting myself as well. I will benefit from being a member of the National Honor Society, because it will help expose me to different opportunities that I have never experienced before. Opportunities like volunteering at places that I have never been before, and meeting new people by helping them. The National Honor Society will also benefit me later in life, like applying to colleges.
The National Honor Society is an excellent program, so I believe that becoming a member could create a symbiotic relationship. Being a member of the National Honor Society could encourage my academic achievement and give me opportunities to teach, which in turn will fine tune my understanding on the subject as well. I have multiple experiences with tutoring, as I am currently tutoring three kids and used to tutor an international student in English. I believe firmly in helping others through tutoring; I love teaching to instill curiosity and ambition in the minds of others. Community service and tutoring are a win-win outcome in my opinion since the student starts to comprehend the subject that they are struggling in while the tutor builds mastery of the subject, feels a sense of accomplishment, and genuinely feels better for doing the right thing.
National Honor Society truly is a honor to be accepted into. National Honor Society represents scholarship, leadership, service, and character. I believe since I was young I have shown compassion and leadership needed in our society. That is why this is the right society for me.